Guess it's time to add more fish,...


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Douglasville, Ga
Ok,.. so my tank has been up for a while. I have been quite lucky I suppose everything sems to be going great withoiut to much trouble. I have a 46gl bowfront,. with two O.clowns,. and a watchmen goby(small,.. not sure exactly which type,. hard to get a photo of,. here are some pics(not of the

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No full tank shots or anything,.. but soon I will take some. Question is,..

My oldest daughter wants MORE FISH!!,.lol.. I prefer the smaller fish-more fish look,. but I'm game for anything at this point. What other fish can you guys recommend and,. how many? If you need to know my whole setup and all I'll be happy to write it up,. but it's pretty low tech.

Oh yeah and disregard the date on the cam.

Also,.. has anyone here acclimated a platy to salt? I have so many babies,. and I thought,. it would be pretty cool to see some in the reef tank. Has anyone tried this?
longnose hawkfish are pretty cool as is the ever popular sixline wrasse. Watch out if you get a sixline, mine jumped to his demise. I am wondering if watching finding nemo had something to do with it
I second the atlantic pygmy angel fish. Small, colorful, and very active. Your daughter will love this fish.

You might also try firefish gobies. You can get a few, they will school. They don't do much other than sit in one area and flick thier top fin, but they are colorful and pretty to look at.
I third the angel idea but instead of a pygmy, I say flame or bi-colored...
I Have A 46 Gal Bowfront.....i Have 2 Skunk Clowns, A 6-line Wrasse, 2 Pajama Cardinls, And A Scissortail Goby. Oh Yeah..and 2 Purple Firefish That We Just Added Last Friday...they Are Beautiful. I Had A Rusty Angelthat Was Very Pretty...she Died When Our Ac Went Out And The Tank Tempurature Spiked. My Son Has A Coral Beauty Angel That Is Very Nice, Also. We Are Just Starting To Restock His 125 Gal.
Ok,. so I hear all that,. and want more,. more suggestions,. I want to hear it all,. all of the suggestions sound tempting at this point.

And anyone thought about the platy thing?
I advise against platys. Sure they can live in saltwater, but they're really brakish fish so living in saltwater for extended periods is not their norm and they don't last too long in our reefs.

As for fish suggestions, what tank is complete without some sort of wrasse to mesmerize you with their graceful movements, color, an beauty. Not to mention that most of them have great utility in keeping pests under control.

If you're only going to have one wrasse in the tank, a sixline is a great choice. If you ever plan on putting another wrasse in the tank though, don't get the sixline as they are extremely territorial to other wrasses.
The wrasses are very cool to have...I had a 6 line and it went carpet surfing and found it, well lets just say it was dark and leathery...Poor poor Jeffy lol
(open tank)