Gyre warning


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Ok I made a noob mistake and now have 3 sick and one dead sps.

1st the gyre is a great pump IMO, but ....

I noticed some of my sps we're loosing color fast.... Parameters were good... Baffling to me..
Then I noticed they were all on the same level in the tank.

I honestly believe the gyre was creating too much constant flow for the corals that were on the midline of my tank.

I had it set about 75% flow on constant.
The corals were apx 30-36" from the pump... I think it was just too much.

So now I'm on apx 60% pulse

Just a word of warning to everyone... Even a great thing like flow can be over done

I guess I'll need some more sps if someone has a great deal;/

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Yup, over the years I found that certain SPS types like more flow then others and to much flow caused the coral to dis-color and display no polyp extension. That's why I never glue or putty a piece in place till I see how the coral adapts to the location in the tank.
If you have an apex it's pretty easy to use another powerhead on the opposite side of the tank and switch them back and forth. I've used that on my tank and the power heads actually create a decent "gyre" of their own, just can't put them as close to the water line.
I've seen people online asking if certain sps were "gyre resistant" which I figured was the same issue you're having.
outdrsyguy1;1045638 wrote: If you have an apex it's pretty easy to use another powerhead on the opposite side of the tank and switch them back and forth. I've used that on my tank and the power heads actually create a decent "gyre" of their own, just can't put them as close to the water line.
I've seen people online asking if certain sps were "gyre resistant" which I figured was the same issue you're having.

I have it on a lower flow now... NOT on constant flow
Gyre resistant is a new one on me:)