Hagen AquaClear Pumps


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Anyone have an opinion on these? PetCo has these on sale and they push out some nice manu rated volumes. Anyone know how they are built as in like an MJ or more like a Hydor Koralia?
I have two of them and they work just as a Maxi Jet does but they move more water. They are nice but I wouldn't really like to have my big one in a show tank. Its HUGE! I just use it to transfer water to my water jugs and to agitate the water when I get uncured live rock.
What model is the "big one" and is it a magnetic or true shaft drive?
I was affraid you were going to say the 802 or model 70. How big compared to a MJ1200?
Why were you afraid? Is that what you were looking at? It is a good 3 times larger including the strainer on the Mj1200.
Youch that is huge... I basically want an MJ sized pump with about 200gph more flow using a magnetic drive. The hagen is the only thing I know of that is close to this design.
get a MJ its 194 GPH. You could convince your brain its 200.... Also have you thought about a closed loop system? Wow this is the third time I've edited this post. Here maybe this if you save your couch money. I do not know how big it is but I mean you'd need one pretty much.

Not looking for 200gph looking for 200gph more than an MJ does in a small pump. This is for a project not just for flow. I already have a sequence dart for a closed loop which can pump out over 3400gph.
Those pumps are decent enough, but they are monsters. I have an 802 in my salt mixing tank. I have noticed a greater-than-average tendency to not come on when plugged in requiring a whack to get it rolling, but then this pump is easily 12+ years old where my Maxi's are 6 or less, so it may be an age thing.
Mine had a real tendancy to suck up fish. This is the biggest reason I pulled them. I lost 3 pigmy angels to the 802.
