Hair Algae and API's AlgaeFix Marine


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Noticed some hair algae a few weeks ago in my frag system and did some research on a product that Mysterybox - Ralph mentioned in Acroholics thread about Bryposis (AlgqaeFix Marine). Ralph posted a link"></a> about Algaefix Marine that re-directed me to reefcentral where there were many positive posts praising the success people experienced eradicating hair algae using AlgaeFix Marine. This was a post by a well known respected reefer on Reef Central (HighlandReefer) so it caught my attention. Iread many of the posts from various members that had used the product with great results eradicating hair algae and keeping it at bay with a weekly dose. I ordered a few bottles from Fosters and Smith and followed the directions and dosed my 200 gallon system for with the first treatment on Tuesday of this week (directions are to dose every 3 days). Based on posts on ReefCentral, I was not expecting to see any results until around the 5th dose, but today I noticed the tips of the hair algae strands (1/4 inch or so) had started to turn white (which is a good sign it is dying off). Here are a few pics (under blues only a little harder to see)

I will post same shots early next week so people can see the progress. I am very encouraged that at this early stage I am already seeing results. If you have some nuisance hair algae, I would recommend giving this product a try. Safe for fish, coraline algae, corals, macro algae, inverts, softies, LPS, SPS). I am keeping my protein skimmer running with no additional foaming or skimmer overflowing like it does with other medications. No carbon, GFO or carbon dosing is suggested during traetment, but with weekly maintenance dose, no need to take reactors off-line.
Hope this info helps others that are fighting nuisance hair algae.
Of course, you'll still want to remove the cause of the problem (remove nutrients) or you'll be right back where you started in a couple of months......
Ralph, as HighlandReef pointed out in that thread, you can have your nutrients under control and have one of those "PESTS" introduced and still have to deal with it, either through manual removar, clean up crew or other means. Sometimes even in the best kept systems pests can get out of control. Po4 is at 0.03 and nitrates at 0.25.
Did some manual removal of dying HA before second treatment this eve. Keep everyone posted on Sunday as more should die off by then.