Half Black Angel Troubles

sj miller guy

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Well I picked up a new tank inhabitant saturday. I grabbed a great looking Half Black Angel from the LFS and took him home. Right off the bat he wouldn't really eat anything but would pick at the rock like crazy.

I tried feeding him pellet, flake, macro algae, frozen brine, and emerald entree from the saltwater multi-pack. He ate none of the above. My only problem is now he has about wiped out 100% of my daisy polup colony. There goes a $70 coral but what do I do?

He won't eat anything that I give him and he is beginning to wipe out some corals. Should I bother trying to get him to eat and just take his coral appetite as lack of food....or should I ditch him.

I know Angels are to be housed in a reef tank with caution only, but most research said about the half blacks that they should be ok.

Thanks for the help.
SHOULD be ok is the big SHOULD here. Looks like you got one that likes the taste of daisy! Take him back or risk the loss of your corals. I could throw all the Roman Noodles at you that I could throw, if you got Filet Mignon already on your plate, you are not going to touch it.
Very true, I just didn't want to have to dismantle my tank AGAIN to remove another nusance fish.

Thanks for the advice!

Looking for a half black? :D
Just wondering....do you have a Rock Beauty? or is it called a half black? Never heard of a half black....
It's a "Half Black" which is what the LFS called it and it's also the same name I used to research the fish.

As of now, I do not have him any longer. I had to dismantle my entire tank to get him out just like I thought, but he's gone.
you know, i've been keeping salt water angle since i'm 12, and after $2158545198 i can tell you this much. It is really hard to acclimate the angels that comes from the ocean after many trips across the world. If it's capitive it should eat food in a few days to 2 weeks. If you don't have any pods of nutural sponges and such it can eat off, the fish would probably starve. But you may get lucky and it will eat. But also, watch for ich with these guys.

Mine will nip clam once in a very long while, but after the get acclimated, it'll leave your expensive stuff alone and go for the stuff on rocks