hammer closed for 4 months??

surreal serenity

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My hammer coral was healthy since april til about august/September. I added some new live sand, a little bit at a time didn't seem to hurt anything at the time but then I got some sps coral and they died, my calcium was too low and alk too high I had been using the sea chem 2 system fusion for calcium and alk. everyone in my tank is currently healthy but the hammer wont open up all the way and idk how to help it. Suggestions please?
IDK, is it stressed by another coral/fish? Maybe try carefully relocating it up or down slowly. Mine was very sensitive to being in the middle of my tank about 20" below the light and 10" below the water.
Welcome to ARC :)

Please post your parameters - that might shed some light on the current situation. You probably cannot post pictures yet but I'd be happy to take a look if you email a photo to imagineocean "at" gmail "dot" com

I have a feeling that it's no longer alive - after 4 months it cannot feed or use light to photosynthesize. If I can see a photo I can tell you if it's alive or not.
