Hammer coral closed and not opening


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Suwanee, GA
Got 6 heads of hammers a few months ago and added it to my tank. They were doing extremely well until a couple weeks ago when they started to close and now they are all fully closed except one that is splitting a 3rd head. Water parameters are good and did a water change 4 days back and nothing had improved. I feel like they might be bleached soon and I have no ide why they randomly stopped doing well. Please lmk if u have ever experienced this or have knowledge on the topic. Thanks a lot

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Check your salinity as well as your nitrate/phosphate and cal/mag/dK for any swings. Check for temperature swings. If everything is fine and stable, is there any changes to lighting? Is there any coral warfare going on? Is something nipping at the heads? Of warfare or if you fragged something in tank, run some carbon to clean any chemicals released out of system.
Typically everything we check for lps issues.
If the lps is weak or weakened and something is bothering it- chemically, stability wise, or nipping, then it can brown jelly out or polyp bail. So watch for any heads starting to dissolve. Also. Do you feed the heads, they might need some nutrition other than lighting.