Here are a couple threads that may be helpful"></a>
Basically, your options are fluorescents, compact fluorescents, t5, metal halides, or LEDs. Your best bet for reef aquariums are t5s and metal halides. These will give out enough output to be able to grow more lighting-sensitive corals. Also, the above list is basically in order of price, from least expensive to most expensive. LEDs are cool, but not yet practical. I personally prefer the metal halides because of the "shimmer" effect you get, just like the sun going through water at the ocean. When I first started, I went the cheap route and got compact fluorescents. At the time, I was only keeping the easier soft corals. As I grew in the hobby and decided I wanted to keep more difficult corals, I had to upgrade to the metal halides.
For beginners, compact fluorescents are great, but you will probably end up having to replace those lights in the future, so the question comes down to:
"Do I want to save money now and spend more later, or do I want to spend more money now and have more options in the future, without upgrading?"
As far as t5s and metal halides go, you'll get pretty much the same performance from both (although many differ on this subject, so this is just my opinion) and they cost about the same, so it's kind of a toss-up.
Hope this helps. Also, do some searches on this site and on Google as well. There's a lot of information out there.