Hardened sea salt...

Honestly, i chunked mine after i think it was sitting for a couple of months while i re did the tank...but never really checked with the forums to see if it was good or not.
I've bought buckets with harden ( still breakable by hand) salt. I've just mix it in water as I would any salt, but in my experience nothing happened that I could see.
i have a half bucket of hardened salt. i use a screw driver to but it up. ive not noticed any difference. thing is with using chunks, i have found the salt to be packed really tight and i often add more than i thought i was adding.
I filled the bucket with water, and stuck in a powerhead... I guess i can add cupfulls to my overflow to get back to my desired salinity...slowly...

It will work, but I'm pretty sure things like calcium will be affected (dropped out)
Only thing alive in my tank is some surviving CuC, a cleaner shrimp, and bacteria...

dawgdude;426860 wrote: Make sure you mix the water for a while, freshly mixed SW can be caustic. How far off is your salinity?

My salinity due to creep etc has gone down to 1.018...not too bad...I brought it up to 1.019 today, and will probably continue over the next 2 weeks to get it up to 1.024ish....whats ideal?
dawgdude;426875 wrote: I would raise it by .002 every day if it were me. Thats not a huge change and I would shot to get it at 1.025.

Sounds good Dawg...thanks!
hum.... that might explain why im seeing the same things you just mentioned. i'll do it your way and see if i see a difference. :yes:
stands to reason to me. i'll try it a couple times and see what happens.
i usually set it up and let it mix for about an hour or so then do the deal.

i dont care who ya are, you will learn something every day on here.
if your newbie like me ya better take some notes. :D
Just remember to always add salt to water, not water to salt. I don't remember the reasoning - only that Seachem drove that point home in a meeting a couple years ago...
A good rule of thumb is to mix water for 24 hours before adding it.. I have mixed it in quite a quick fashion before in a bind but not a good idea.. I have thought about taking some pantyhose and filling it with rice to try and absorb moisture in a salt bucket.. Not sure it will work but I dont see why it wouldnt..
mojo;427005 wrote: Just remember to always add salt to water, not water to salt. I don't remember the reasoning - only that Seachem drove that point home in a meeting a couple years ago...

You will supersaturate the salt and other chemicals which will change the chemical composition in which that balance that we water watchers desire between PH/Alk/Cal is less likely to be obtainable. You are making the water Salt Water not making the salt Water Salt.
mojo;427005 wrote: Just remember to always add salt to water, not water to salt. I don't remember the reasoning - only that Seachem drove that point home in a meeting a couple years ago...

hmmm? I have a bucket of semi hardened salt as well. The bucket is about half full and the lid stayed a bit open in the garage for about a week. In miami, thats enough time to make it a brick.

I was thinking that when I finally get water in the new tank, I would just put the bucket in the tank and let it fill up. Are you saying this is a bad idea?
mojo;427005 wrote: Just remember to always add salt to water, not water to salt. I don't remember the reasoning - only that Seachem drove that point home in a meeting a couple years ago...

For many, many years, I mixed water into the salt, and always had this light, flaky plastic film on top of the water, and white particles floating in the water.

The rationale of mixing salt into the water is that is you mix the water onto the salt, then instantaneously, the solid salt liquefies, and then bonds and solidifies with other chemicals in the mix, and will never disolve again.

I know it's a small strenuous point, but an important one.

Always add salt to the water, never water to the salt.
that makes sense about adding water to salt.

Guess i wont be placing the bucket in the tank while I fill it up...lol

Ill just dump the bucket in after wards.