Harlequin Shrimp


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Does anyone have any Harlequin Shrimp in there Display? I have a pair and was wondering if anyone else has any?
I have a single. I used to see him all the time when he was in the process of chowing down on the hundreds of asterina (sp?) stars my tank was plagued with. He finished off about 90% of those, so I got him a sand sifting star to work on. Saw him become acquainted with that star, and haven't seen him since (about a week ago). Hope he's just off sleeping off a massive feed or something.... :)
I see my two just about every day. There always running up the glass. I've never seen them together though, but im waiting....
We really need to just borrow one. Linckia can go into the nano for a week or so. Rob, let me know if you ever want to loan yours out.

Or... if anyone sees these at a LFS, please let me know.
These guys eat anything besides asternias? I've noticed a few (2 or 3), mainly on the right side of the tank, but haven't had a problem with them killing anything, yet... Now that my CBS is gone, I plan to add a few more different shrimps, especially looking for a Fire Shrimp.
au01st;291149 wrote: These guys eat anything besides asternias? I've noticed a few (2 or 3), mainly on the right side of the tank, but haven't had a problem with them killing anything, yet... Now that my CBS is gone, I plan to add a few more different shrimps, especially looking for a Fire Shrimp.

I'm pretty sure their diet is exclusively starfish.
I can personally attest that they eat sand sifting stars. Mine looked like someone injected him with jet fuel the day I added the big star to the tank. I did not realize he could move that fast...
auo1st. I think Tim @ Keen Reef has some. He brought mine to the meeting.

good luck.

tim had a fire shrimp tonight when i was there.. ive seen harlequin there a few times too ..