Harlequin Shrimp


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Does anyone have a harlequin that they're having to feed to keep alive and wouldn't mind loaning me for a bit. My asterina population has taken off, and I'd rather feed a creature than manually pick them out. I can return it or pass it forward in the club. I really like the idea of rehoming animals to better habitats once they've completed their tasks, haha. Thanks in advance!
Does anyone have a harlequin that they're having to feed to keep alive and wouldn't mind loaning me for a bit. My asterina population has taken off, and I'd rather feed a creature than manually pick them out. I can return it or pass it forward in the club. I really like the idea of rehoming animals to better habitats once they've completed their tasks, haha. Thanks in advance!
I was looking for a pair as well for temporary housing :) that is something that we as a club might consider investing in and sharing ?