Harlequin Shrimp


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I'm being overrun with Asterina's. Anybody out there care to loan me their Harlequin? Or know somebody who will?
Give a little time my friend. I've only had it for a few weeks but it won't be too much longer.
You can be first on the list, as we're going to pass it to those in need...
Neat idea that I've seen floated of having a "shared" set of halrequin shrimp (hah! - see what I did there?) on various fora... but it's really nice to see it actually attempted here.

To whoever winds up holding the shrimp in between loans - make friends with Rit or anyone @ The Fish Store. Between those shops' live rock holding bins & display tanks there's a huge population of asterinas & they're always willing to hand out a bagful for little or no $.
BulkRate;1057599 wrote: Neat idea that I've seen floated of having a "shared" set of halrequin shrimp (hah! - see what I did there?) on various fora... but it's really nice to see it actually attempted here.

To whoever winds up holding the shrimp in between loans - make friends with Rit or anyone @ The Fish Store. Between those shops' live rock holding bins & display tanks there's a huge population of asterinas & they're always willing to hand out a bagful for little or no $.

Great idea! I was just thinking about how hard it was going to be to catch mine. I just can't bring myself to feeding him starfish dead or alive. :(
Bcavalli;1057605 wrote: Great idea! I was just thinking about how hard it was going to be to catch mine. I just can't bring myself to feeding him starfish dead or alive. :(

So agree!

If no one needed mine when/if I had to worry about feeding... I was going to return to LFS, free if need be!
I'm still interested in borrowing the Harlequin Camellia. Any updates?