Has anyone been inside a reef store lately?


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Mall of GA
I know a few are open for walk-ins and/or curbside and I guess some you have to knock or call ahead.
Its a little more intimate than going out to a giant box or grocery store. Are the owners happy to see you? Stay their distance? Annoyed you came in?
My LFS only does curbside pickup. Apparently from what they're saying, is that distributors aren't sending large orders out any more anyways, so they don't get a lot of new livestock. The virus is affecting their supply chains.
I’ve gone to Nemo in Duluth a few times for frozen food and such since AA’s time doesn’t fit my schedule. They’re just real busy since they have a short time to be open. Taking calls and cashing you out and such so it’s understandable. I would think they’d be happy to see you cause if no ones buying then they’re just losing money.
I know that Premier and Pure Reef are open, but are limiting the amount of people in the store. Jakub at Premier said that this has actually increased his business as reefers have more time to spend tweaking their tanks. Looks like The Fish Store is open as well.
I've been in Classic City a few times since this all started. They're always appreciative of the business. They are limiting people in the store and have touchless payment. But not many people when I was there. Which is great for me because I got a lot of uninterrupted question time. Those guys are awesome.
At Pure Reef, they will also do curb side delivery if you know what you need. Just call ahead and pay over the phone and call again when in the parking lot. I bought some salt that way yesterday.
Reef Shac is doing online ordering with pick up or delivery. They are limiting to once a week typically for water and online pick ups.

Creation and Southern are open with limited numbers in the store but still very helpful and glad to see you as always.

I've been doing my part to help support LFS but pockets don't run deep.

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Cool. I follow a couple of the stores on social media and wasn’t sure if they wanted you to come in or not.
If you haven't been to Classic City, check them out. They're open and the frag tanks are pretty full. Apparently they have a lot of good zoas but since I'm not a big zoa person, it's hard for me to tell. One thing I am in to is the various 'hairy' pavonas that encrust. They might be my new favorite type of coral and I've picked up quite a few there in the last month. I never thought I'd be anything but a monti-man but pavona and leptastrea are really starting to grow on me.
I know a few are open for walk-ins and/or curbside and I guess some you have to knock or call ahead.
Its a little more intimate than going out to a giant box or grocery store. Are the owners happy to see you? Stay their distance? Annoyed you came in?
We’ve been to Pure Reef, Atlanta Aquarium and Classic City once each over the past several weeks. Everyone seemed happy to see us, we generally weren’t the only patrons though none of them were crowded. No one seemed pissed and they were helpful. I think out of respect for one another we all stayed the requisite 6 feet apart.
We're encouraging people to order from ReefShac.com and select local pickup. Customers aren't allowed in the store right now to lower risks for everyone. Hopefully things can go back to normal soon! Pickup days every weekend and trying to do one during the week as well.
Hahaha... maybe I am in the minority here, but I’ve been staying home. I usually leave once per week for groceries; even then, is just in and out in a couple minutes.
We’ve barely been out but since our tank is pretty new we have needed a couple of things. Had to go today because we ran out of Nori
Hahaha... maybe I am in the minority here, but I’ve been staying home. I usually leave once per week for groceries; even then, is just in and out in a couple minutes.

I've only left the house 4 times in the last month. Twice for groceries and twice for water run at the LFS since I don't have an RODI unit. And my introvert self is loving it!
We are staying put as much as possible. Wifes MS meds put her in a position where recovery from a strong virus is tougher than normal due to immune system alterations. She's not more susceptible to being infected - just not as able to fight efficiently
I visited Pure Reef yesterday and they have a pretty good selection of fish and corals. Also in my opinion the pricing/selection in reference to distance traveled in unmatched in these current times. For instance I went to both Premier Aquatics and Pure Reef within the last week in search of a Copperband Butterfly which was 89$ at Premier Aquatics and just north of 50$ at Pure Reef with them both being 45 minutes from my house the better choice to make was clear.
I visited Pure Reef yesterday and they have a pretty good selection of fish and corals. Also in my opinion the pricing/selection in reference to distance traveled in unmatched in these current times. For instance I went to both Premier Aquatics and Pure Reef within the last week in search of a Copperband Butterfly which was 89$ at Premier Aquatics and just north of 50$ at Pure Reef with them both being 45 minutes from my house the better choice to make was clear.

Dang, $89 for a Copperband! I think $30-45 is a much more normal price. Or even $50 isn’t bad if it’s big and healthy, but $89 is a bit ridiculous.

I agree. Pure Reef may not be my #1, but it’s a good shop! I’m very happy to have them with us. They’re definitely one of the better shops in the greater Atlanta area.