Has anyone had success cultivating phytoplankton?


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Cumming, Georgia
Has anyone had success cultivating phytoplankton?

It was something I tried but could never get it down 100%. Some batches would crash and others would not turn dark green. If you had success what was your setup... lighting (hours of light), days running, food (was it f/2 fertilizer), container's, airpumps etc.

Still works great - I can generate a gallon of THICK, DARK phyto in a week

Still works great - I can generate a gallon of THICK, DARK phyto in a week
Thank you!
I grow a batch of nano and tetra every couple of months. 0F81C6A2-823A-450B-9536-77F00DC875F6.jpeg
there’s nothing in it right now but it’s a pretty simple set up. This was the Mercer of Montana kit they sell on Amazon. I want to say it was around forty bucks with two starter cultures. It’s just a jar with two holes. One for air exchange and one for the ridged airline tubing. I’m using a cheapo tetra air pump, one of those clip on Amazon grow lights, and F2 fertilizer. I generally pull it after ten days and I’m still working off of the original culture I ordered back when I started. It’s great stuff for a reef tank.