Has anyone heard of this??

miami dolfan

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There is a claim that the Berghia Nudibranchs will destroy the dreaded Aiptasia anemone. My question is...when all the aiptasia is gone, what will be next on the menu? My zoas??
They only eat aiptasia. If no aiptasia is present, they will perish. The good news is, is that they're plenty of people in the club that would be happy to buy them from you when their job is complete.

However, you'll never fully rid your system of aiptasia, as they'll be alive in your pipes and overflows, reproducing there as well.
Since I introduced a Copper Banded Butterfly -- my aiptasia concerns are over -- the CBB can be delicate -- but it's worth the risk if you buy one that is already eating Brine/Mysis shrimp.
Cool! Thanks for the responses. I haven't had luck with the copperbands but I did have a good success rate back in Fl. with the peppermints when I had a majano infestation. Just wanted to know what to go with.

here is my attempt.
Thanks for the info Ralph. After considering what you experienced, I think I will try the peppermints again and give the Copperband another shot. I just hope he lives this time.
I forgot to mention that I had seen the nudis on this site named the salty underground. They run about $14 and $35 for shipping. I think I'll pass this time.