Having a heck of a time tuning my skimmer


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It's either low bubbles like in the picture or overflowing and filling the cup with water. I raised it to about 6 inches of water depth and that didn't help. Do I need to raise further?

In the picture you can see I have toilet paper stuffed in both air holes and the red valued cranked as closed as it will go. If I pulled the toilet paper out of either hole, it overflows.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm cycling a new 65 gallon tank and excited about it. It's taken me forever to get to this point and tuning this skimmer is one of the last things I've got to get under control (famous last words).

Any comments on the plumbing would be appreciated as well. You can see the T valve I added. Behind the skimmer is a ball valve with another hose for water changes. Was a pain to do, but I'm hoping it makes the maintenance a little easier. All the connections open me up to more leaks, but so far so good.
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Tank so far
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If that is a new skimmer just let it run a week. It will tune in. Take the paper out and sit the cup so that it is mostly on but is letting water out around one side. Or just cock the collection cup to the side so it isn't seated all the way around.
There COULD be something in there making it go nuts. At any rate it may take a few days.
Nothing to worry about

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Wait. You want to OPEN the red valve in the skimmer to lower the water level inside the skimmer.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Message me if you have any questions I recently had one of these skimmers myself

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Skimmers take time to "break in" as Brandon mentioned. I don't and I think most hobbiest would agree, they don't run their skimmers during the cycle period. You're not producing waste just yet and any bacteria that you are building up, your collecting it in the skimmer cup.

If it were me, I'd wait until the cycle is complete before I brough my skimmer online. It's a good thing to know the pump and unit is functioning, but I'd wait unitl your through the cycle period JM2C.
Ok, thanks for the help.

It's not new actually, but seems like new. When i first put water in the tank and tested everything, it was fine. I raised the water level in the sump to about 9 inches on the skimmer and it went out of whack.

I'll keep tinkering with it
Sn4k33y3z;1095786 wrote: Skimmers take time to "break in" as Brandon mentioned. I don't and I think most hobbiest would agree, they don't run their skimmers during the cycle period. You're not producing waste just yet and any bacteria that you are building up, your collecting it in the skimmer cup.

If it were me, I'd wait until the cycle is complete before I brough my skimmer online. It's a good thing to know the pump and unit is functioning, but I'd wait unitl your through the cycle period JM2C.

Good idea. I was hoping I could have it ready to go when the cycle was done, but so far that hasn't worked
I have the same skimmer. It is sensitive to the height of water. Mine sits in 6 inches of water. Without an ato I can't keep it right. Sn4k33y3z is right. You should wait untill you cycle before firing the skimmer up.
Running it during cycle won't hurt anything

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Got the bubble level in good shape, was able to remove the toilet paper plugging the air holes and all is good......except for massive amounts of micro bubbles it's pumping out. Will it work through and stop with the bubbles or am I going to have to keep tinkering with it?

I shut it off for now
at this point leave it on and dial back the flow till the bubbles are right at the bottom of the cup, you will have to fine tune it till you find the sweet spot.