Head first into the hobby


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Douglasville GA
HI everyone,

I have decided to get into the hobby and researched it only to find for every opinion there is an opposite opinion for beginners. I am looking into the Waterbox Reef 180.5, budget allows it, with the HD lighting. Also considering the Read Sea XXL 625. My questions is are there a real difference between the two? I am also thinking about the Apex controller system, the basic with wave makers to start, which would allow me to expand as i grow in the hobby. Does anyone have experience with the Apex? Wanting to get opinions and make sure I have considered most options before dropping the money.
What is your budget? Also what kind of coral are you wanting? (LSP, SPS, Soft?) You def cannot go wrong with an apex.

I can't speak to the two tanks you mentioned however I'm sure you can find reviews online to compare feedback from users. Others here may have first hand experience with them. Going with a larger tank like you mentioned is a little more for forgiving when it comes to things like dosing and equipment failures. You have a larger body of water to play with but also more buffer if something isn't quite right to catch it before it negatively impacts your livestock.

What type of tank are you looking to setup? I'm assuming salt water, but are you going for a fish only, mixed reef, softie, or sps dominant tank? Having an idea will help you pick things like filtration and lighting.

The Apex controllers have been around a long time and there's plenty of community support as well as second hand parts available if needed. Cost of entry is a little steep at $799 for the full base unit but they will probably be on sale in a couple weeks for Black Friday.

Whatever you decide to go with, you will still need to cycle your tank which takes some patience before you start stocking it.

I've found the BRStv videos informative and we'll organized. They are a good place to start when you are ready to dive in.
I am looking to do a mixed reef tank and start with simple easier corals and advance as my experience grows. I have a budget up to 10 to 12K. to start. Been saving a while, i want to just bite the bullet and get something that can grow with me and not have to swap things out as often at least thats the plan.
You've come to the right place then :D I'm Shawn. Feel free to ask any questions or whatnot. 10-12k is more than enough to get a great system up and running and stocked with decent beginner-intermediate corals. Just do one thing. Take. Your. Time. Do your research. Ask questions. Learn from our mistakes. LOL

And become a supporting member and reap the benefits of it :p We raffled off $1350 in gift certificates at our last meeting - and many folks win multiple times a year more than paying for their memberships! Not to mention the "free to supporting members" stuff we constantly post. And I give away free frags to new supporting members! $30 covers an entire year :p
Welcome to ARC!

I own a Waterbox, not the 180, but there's a great Waterbox Facebook group if you have specific questions about that tank. I suggest checking the group out for some inspiration, as I see people setting up 180s all the time on there. They'll answer any and every question you have about the brand.
Can't speak for WaterBox, but I really like the Red Sea tanks. They just work and I'm sure WaterBox as well. Each brand has issues and from what I gather, they both are quick to remedy the situation as long as you're the original owner, so you should have no issues.

I think it's a matter of preference regarding plumbing, even though Waterbox has a little extra features in their plumbing, I think both RS & WB are lack luster due to just the sheer size of it. Other than that, their sumps, stands, and tanks are both well built and very modern looking.

No opinion on Apex, since I never own one, but this is by far the most popular controller in the reefing hobby and has been around probably the longest as well.
I am looking to do a mixed reef tank and start with simple easier corals and advance as my experience grows. I have a budget up to 10 to 12K. to start. Been saving a while, i want to just bite the bullet and get something that can grow with me and not have to swap things out as often at least thats the plan.

Have you mapped out what type of equipment you want besides the tank? Both the Redsea and Waterbox tanks are honestly about the same quality. Very minor differences. I would just go with what you think looks better. Both are great choices. If it was me I would go with 2 MP40's wavemakers over the neptune wavemakers. Maintenance is much easier. You need to start thinking about how you are going to make saltwater. As someone previously started there is about to be a big sale coming up soon for black fri. I would def wait to buy my equipment then but just know what you want. I know we all could honestly recommend you lots of equipment as well if you would like.