Heartbroken Yellow Watchman


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Well i've been moving everyone/everything over to the new tank and now am experiencing something i've never seen before. I purchased my watchman and candycane pistol together many months ago and they have been joined at the hip ever since. The Watchman normally sleeps in the pistols hole and protects him from everything. When I moved them they entered the new tank separately but found one another right away. This morning I came out to check on everyone and could not find the 2 anywhere. After about an hour past I did find them in the overflow chamber (which I now corrected) and entered them back into the tank. The watchman has not found the pistol yet and keeps going back up to the (corrected) overflow looking for him. He will not eat and looks helpess/hopeless. The pistol has dug himself a new burrough since so I took the watchman and netted him sliding the net down the glass in front of the shrimp hole and locking it in the sand. He hopefully will see the shrimp and life will go on being happy for both of them. If this does not work, I don't know what else I can do. Any ideas if this fails would be welcome. I don't want my watchman to die of a broken heart but thats what it's starting to look like.
He'll find his way. My Aurora did that also. I guess he was on guard duty and the entrance collapsed and the Aurora couldn't get back in... was sad for a couple of days, finally the shrimp opened it back up and he is all happy now.

The shrimp went so far as to have two entrances instead of one, though one is mostly used that the other. You'll be fine.
Well at about 6:15 PM, he finally located him and went straight to him. I was getting worried since he is not a swimming fish..just a hang out sort of guy. Since the pistol went missing, he was swimming around the overflow non stop. I am so happy this story has a happy ending!! :yes: BTW..Thanks for the moral support last night.