heater size.


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I have a 100 watt heater for a total of 175 gal of water.
The is only 1/4 of the way turned up.I'm getting ready to replace the heater (old).Do I get the same size. Or get bigger.
i would recommend 2 - 200w for that water volume, if one fails the other is back up, if one can't keep up the other will kick on and always back both up with a controller.
i over plan and over think stuff but i have liked how this set up has worked for me in the passed.
I have two 300 watt and one 200 watt on my 500 gallon total water volume system all controlled by an apex to come one .1 degrees apart. Believe it or not, one of the 300 watt heaters runs non-stop all winter. There are periods when all 3 run.

I agree that splitting the load between 2 heaters is very smart. That way when on locks on (one will eventually), you have a better chance to notice the temperature increase before it cooks your tank. I would keep the 100 in service and get another 150 to share the load.
Schwaggs;1095723 wrote:
I agree that splitting the load between 2 heaters is very smart. That way when on locks on (one will eventually), you have a better chance to notice the temperature increase before it cooks your tank. I would keep the 100 in service and get another 150 to share the load.

And when one fails to come on, the other will prevent the tank from plummeting into cold temperatures.

The heater is, IMO the weakest link in tank equipment, and seldom has a failsafe. 2 heaters are better than one, and I don't care how 'good' your heater is, replace it every 3 years or so.

Jager heaters are the best over the long term, IMO.

In the IT world there's a saying. "Two is one and one is none."

Certain things should just have a backup.
Its hard to say what you need.

Rule of thumb is 2-4 watts per gallon but it really depends how much heat pumps and lights add, how much heat is lost from the sump or fans and so on.

I like having at least 2 watts per gallon, with full redundancy. So I would go with dual 300w heaters minimum. But if its been running fine with a single 100w...just get 2 of those.