Heaters, how many watts per gallon ?


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I have a total of 125g of water volume, what would be an ideal heater and how many watts ?? I have 1ea 150watt heater "I dont think its enough for my water volume." Also if anyone has an extra heater for sale please let me know.:fish:
i think its suppose to be 5 watts per gall but i havent seen a heater that goes over 300 so i have a 250 watt and i have about 120 gal total volume
I've heard someone (I think Cameron) say it's best to have 2 smaller heaters instead of one larger one that is rated for the total volume of your tank. That way if one goes ka-put, the other will limp along and keep the temp fairly stable until the failed heater can be replaced.
5 watts per gallon - so i would need prob around 600 watts of heat?
2-3 watts per gallon will be ample, since you will ever need to heat past 5 degrees, always use 2 heaters totalling that wattage, so even if one mal functions it will not cook the occupants.... if you want another 150, I have a titanium one, you can have it for $15.
You can use a lower watt Titanium heater than you can a glass heater or thermal plastic heater. This is what you really want. Don't go cheap on a heater, you'll only cook, chill, or electrocute your tank that way.


You'll have no troubles with a 300 watt Ti heater. I used them year round in 400 gallon systems. They got bumped a few times and were able to bring those systems into the high 80s. That's another reason you go with a LCD controller over a dial controller.
The absolute best hearter I have ever used is the Hydor in-line heater. I bought it back in March, set it once and haven't needed to worry about it again. Unforunately, it only connects to 5/8" hose. I won't be able to use it after I install the sump.

I also have my tank in the most drafty room you could imagine. I'm going to go with maybe 3, 150 watt heaters to make sure the tank stays warm during any cold snap this winter.
not yet, i am afraid it will get cold along with the weather at night. My MH's keep it plenty hot - i have a chiller for those but they turn off at 8pm and dont come back on until 11am so i think i might need a heater for when they are off.
i dont even think mine works lol my temp stays between 76 -80 and the highest ive seen is 82
you cant be serious........ you dont use a heater in your tank? I can't, can't,.... seem to wrap my mind around this concept. Thats like saying you dont use filteration, or light.

My tank water would be 65 to 68 degrees without a heater, and thats with the weather like it is now. Much Much worse in the winter
dakota the MH's keep the tank pretty warm, but i am afraid when it gets real cold the MH's leftover heat wont be enough
During the heatwave before I did the reverse photo period, my MH only got my water up to 83. Like you said, what about night time? Water is going to cool off quick, thats a lot of fluctuation in the temp without a heater..

I can't believe people have reefs with no heater.... This is Herecy I tell you, Herecy!
Wow, thats cool that you dont have to use a heater, but my house (a/c set on 72) the tank would drop in temp without a heater, in fact its on right now, and actually comes on quite a bit.

I'm jealous! that means you have extra outlets that I have to fill with heater plugs