Heaters working?


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I saw on the news it is supposed to get down into the 60s tonight. If you've had your tank heaters off for the summer, you might want to check on them.
Mine are working for sure. I have to use them in the summer to keep my temp swing minimal on my cube because I keep my house like a freezer LOL.
We keep our house at 78-80 so I had most of mine turned off. I kept waking up last night worring about them overheating since I turned them on in the evening. I finally just got up at 3AM to check on them. Only one was running a little high at 79.9 degrees so I backed it off a little. The rest were ok and it didn't seem to get the cool last night afterall.
Good advice, though. This is the time of year when overnight temps can swing desert-style from daytime temperatures. It may seem fine to you, but down by a sump on the floor (especially in a basement/bottom floor), it can be quite chilly and drag your tank's temp down.