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I don't know about everyone else but I have about 4 heaters sitting in a bucket that once worked but now can't seem to hold a constant temp. It seems that the thermostats go bad on them all the time. I need to find a reliable heater that won't cook my tank. I have a chiller that has the ability to control a heater and I want to find a heater that is good qaulity but doesn't cost $300! Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
I've had good results with the
Honestly no. They all suck. some are better then others but getting a controller is honestly the only way to go. If your chiller is ablle to control the heater then it doesn't matter if the thermostat works or not. Just set it higher then the cutoff point and let the controller do the work.

I personally still use Ebo jagers but have had the same issues with some of them. Like I say it's an issue with them all. I use an aqaucontroller to control mine and just hold my breath and cross my fingers on my qtanks, etc.
I'll be following this thread with interest. I was using a visi-therm heater until it began shocking me with stray voltage when putting my hand in the sump.

Now, I've switched to an Ebo-jager which seems to work well when controlled by my RK2. When run on its internal thermostat, the temps are all over the place!
The chiller controls the heater, but the thermostat on the heater is unreliable, comes on sometimes, somestimes it doesn't. Anyone had any luck with titanium heaters?
flyingarmy;45608 wrote: The chiller controls the heater, but the thermostat on the heater is unreliable, comes on sometimes, somestimes it doesn't. Anyone had any luck with titanium heaters?

Only titanium I have ever tried was in my saltwater mixing container.Thank god ,because I came home one day and the water was near boiling point.Ive been using the visitherm heaters as well and I have had a couple go bad on me,but I buy multiple of the smaller ones,so that I have some insurance if one fails.A controller will be a definate purchase when I get my 500 up and going.
How do the in-line heaters compare to the tubed? Any difference is qaulity/reliability?
I had a Hydor inline heater on a now dismantled, freshwater tank. It seemed very reliable and accurate for the year or so I had the tank running. I was very happy with it.