hello again :)


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So, I'm not technically a "new" member, I was a member ages ago while in college :). But I figure no one will remember me, so I'll reintroduce myself.

I'm a new mom, but an experienced aquarist; I've had tanks all my life, and while the new baby has necessitated a (hopefully temporary) reduction in the number of tanks in my house, I still have my 55g reef and my 75g planted freshwater.

I started my first saltwater experiment with a 20g tank in college, the experts told me it was doomed and I was foolish for trying a nano tank, and even more foolish for trying it on a limited student's budget. Joke's on them, it worked just fine.

Since then, I've had a 30g reef, a 35g reef, and now my 55. I spent 3 years working in a large chain pet store as the pet care manager, and working with/maintaining those huge systems was hella fun :). For my next tank, I'd like to jump up to a 200g+ when I have the money, but that's limited right now.

My 55 has been running for over a year now, and I still only have my maroon clown and bangaii cardinal. I've got a leather that started out as a purchase from an ARC member and has been with me since that first 20g. It's grown a lot and is continually budding off little frags (so, yeah, anyone want a nice hardy leather? :) .) I've also got a little zooanthid colony, a greedy serpent star, various snails and hermits, and all the creepy crawly goodness I can handle.

I want some pulsing xenia, and some shrooms. Still researching what else. I'm not ready for crazy lighting intensive corals yet, only have about 400w PC over the tank. One day, though... one day.

I'm currently in the process of learning how to DIY a sump; I'm tired of HOB skimmers etc. If I can hide all that stuff, it will look so much better :).

Hopefully, I can start attending meetings again in Feb; I will bring hubby along so he can start learning.
hhughes;452047 wrote: So, I'm not technically a "new" member, I was a member ages ago while in college :). But I figure no one will remember me, so I'll reintroduce myself....

hhughes, are you Heather? And didn't you attend Georgia Tech?
Lifestudent, yep, that's me :). I think my old username was hhasty or maybe kitt79....

I remember you :)
hhughes;452145 wrote: Lifestudent, yep, that's me :). I think my old username was hhasty or maybe kitt79....

I remember you :)

Yep, hhhasty.

:welcome: <span style="font-size: 13px">back</span> Heather! :)
It was nice to meet you and thanks for the skimmer! Hope to see you at the Feb meeting.