Hello All!


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Hello there,

My name is Brian and I just graduated from FSU and moved to Atlanta for my job. I started out in the hobbie as a freshie and used to breed and sell Cherry Red Shrimp. Currently I only have room for a 29gal reef, but may be getting my old 55gal freshwater tank back which of course I will convert.

Unfortunately I seem to have missed your meeting this month, but I'll try for the next one. Are the meetings on any specific day of the month (like the 2nd Saturday or some-such)

The only other thing of note, is that I am the administrator of The Aquarium Wiki (http://www.theaquariumwiki.com/">http://www.theaquariumwiki.com/</a>). Its a website that I started years ago and have been collecting contribution on. Perhaps we can collaborate on something in the future.

Welcome, I'm going to tell you that if you're going to get a 55, def try to get a drilled reef ready. There are plenty on this forum, or you can contact chris at fishscales to make you one
Welcome to the ARC Brian.

GO 'NOLES !!! (free coral frag for you after your tank is up 6 months)


(fear the spear)
ichthyoid;618221 wrote: free coral frag for you after your tank is up 6 months

Thanks :) I have not had much luck with hard coral so I'll hold off until I get a larger more advanced set-up. I'm also losing the war with bubble algae.

Jaycen B. wrote: I'm in.
I'm sorry? I noticed you signed up on my site.