You cant go wrong with something in the 60-120 gallon range. I started with a 90 myself and went through a few different styles. I currently have a 93 cube and a 40 cube tank and those are enough for me (for now). You def found a great series to start with as well. The BRS videos are amazing. Especially the 52 weeks of reefing. If you can afford it an apex will help you with a lot of your headaches by helping you monitoring things. Then a trident for the apex eventually. I would start with some hanna checkers though for the time being. Easiest way to make sure you are getting decent reading and are reading things correctly. Just make sure you keep things stable and keep an eye on your top 3 elements. Magnesium, alkalinity, and Calcium once you start adding coral but focus on getting you PH in a good range and making sure your salinity is good. Since your first starting off I would avoid SPS all together. I have been at this awhile and I still have trouble with them. Stick to Zoas and other soft coral (in my opinion at least) they are the most forgiving. Also make sure your phosphate levels are in a good range. I try to keep mine under .05