Hello everyone!


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My name is Kobie and I'm still fairly new to the fish keeping hobby. I currently take care of a 40 gallon breeder (fresh), with only a single rainbow shark. I recently had the tank stocked with of course the shark, 6 barbs, 3 kuhli loaches, and 4 emerald corys. Had this setup running for 8 months now and recently gave all but the shark away. I did this in order to cut down on maintenance/care, but more importantly, to begin my venture into the saltwater world! I've aquired a fluval edge aquarium and have visions of a nano reef tank. So, I knew it'd be a good idea to join the Atlanta Reef Club's site, introduce myself and get started on learning more about this side of the hobby. I certainly look forward to chatting with you guys/gals :up:
Welcome to ARC. It's a great place for knowledge and to ask questions. SW is a great hobby but first make sure you read and read some more. The more you study, the better off you will be when you start in. Be prepared for a lot of work and care. SW is a different world than FW.

Ask away and hope to see you around here often.
Welcome! I'm sure you will read this, but nanos are more challenging than larger tanks from the standpoint of water parameters and stability. It will need religious attention.
Hey coolsurf/cr500 af! Thanks so much! I've certainly been reading and reading, but I'll definitely read some more, lol! I do understand the attention required and I do have the time. I've also read alot on the nano being a bit more intensive due to several aspects and I'm still taking that into consideration, as I ultimately plan to convert the 40g breeder over to SW. I have a co worker into the SW hobby and he currently maintains a 125g and 220g. I've gotten a load of info from him, but i'm in an apartment and my space is limited. Either way, I'm excited to be here and again, thank you guys for the welcome/insight!
Good deal... it is always a plus when you have a friend who can help in person.

You should come to the meeting tomorrow night and meet some folks!
cr500_af;601257 wrote:
You should come to the meeting tomorrow night and meet some folks!

+1 Always a great place to meet knowledgeable folks and learn things. You might meet a neighbor you didn't realize you had...it's a huge hobby.

In case you are interested.
Welcome to ARC.

I don't know how great we are (me at least). Ask me after my next bonehead mistake! -LOL

Seriously, we are glad you're here!