Hello everyone


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I am a new member and a novice so kinda have a feel with the hobby and what i am doing. So bare with me on some question I may have. I am setting up a 125 gallon reef community tank. My plan is to have live rock corals and many schooling and community fish, for ex, anthias, 3 tangs one of each body type,wrasse and etc, and a CUC consist of Turbo's, cleaner shrimp, and many other inverts. So that is all bout what i am going for.:roll:
Hmmm both in Canton, I'm going to assume that these two are related and sharing a computer. Forgot to switch accounts.
JDavid;890816 wrote: Hmmm both in Canton, I'm going to assume that these two are related and sharing a computer. Forgot to switch accounts.

I think soo!
Welcome to ARC. I too live in Canton/Woodstock. If your interested. Your welcome to come see my system.
Dude. Don't try to re-invent yourself. You've taken your beatings and have actually seemed to come around to where you might be listening to those who give you advice and be making reasonable decisions. Be that big ole yellow, potassium rich fruit that you are! Embrace it. Own it...