hello from new member


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I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I just joined the other day. I'm just a beginner and I don't even have a tank yet, but I'll be setting one up in about a week. I've learned a lot already from this site and I'll be paying my dues soon.

Right now I'm trying to decide between setting up the 38g that I already have or buying a 55g and using that. What would be best for a beginner (not a beginner to fish though - I have 5 freshwater tanks)?

Welcome---this is a great, informative site; hope you enjoy it as much as I do-
Thanks for the welcome everyone! I went ahead and paid my dues so now I'm an official member. I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone.

You didn't have to twist my arm very hard to convince me to go with the 55g :thumbs: . I just wish I had space for a 75. But I already have a 75, 38, 29, 10, and 120g FW tanks. I can't wait to get started. I've just got to get through this last week of school (graduating this semester), and then I'm diving in!

Hey amberjack, I may have to be calling you if I've got problems with my tank. That's really cool that you're a respiratory therapist. I'm starting an RT program at GSU in the fall.

Thanks in advance for all the help I'm sure to receive.

I would make room for a 75g. The depth or width on a 55g is so hard to aquascape.
Here's one.
Well Welcome... I am in Lawrenceville, so let me know if I can be any help. Atleast having a tank to look at before you take the plunge is always a good idea. I have a 55 gal and a 40 gal.

Few points of advice:

1) GO SLOW.... This is the hardest thing to do for new people (and most of us old timers) but it is often the best thing you can do for your tank. Start it off right, get everything in order. research everything you can. and then, and only then, do you add water.

2) By the best quality equipment you can afford. This is really hard to do when you are on a budget but is really good advice. I am one of the CHEAPEST reefers out there, believe me, I take no shame in it. I have recycled and reused anything and everything I could in my tanks to save money. In the end, it is much less headache to do it right in a few departments. Do not skimp on a skimmer, do not skimp on lights, do not skimp of additives or salt (until you get more experienced to know the chemestry behind what you are adding).

3) Ask for help. There are a lot of people around here that are good at all sorts of things. Between us, we have managed to have some amazing tanks but most of us realize that we do not know it all, and ask for help. (Some of us still think we know it all! ;) ). Do not be shy. Realize that there is not ONE way to do a tank and for each question you will get 5 different answers. Take it all into account, do a bit of research on your own, and make an informed decision on your own. The more reading you do, the more you will learn the science and the art behind SW fish. As a rule, do not believe what most local fish stores tell you.

That is about all I got for right now. Again, Welcome and glad to have you.

P.S. Congrats on being a grad!
Thanks for the advice Brandon. I'll definitely let you know if I need some help (I'm sure I will).
Welcome! I'm in Suwanee, let me know if you need any help or have any Q's.

WHen you're ready, let me know and I'll hook you up with a couple of frags :)
Okay, so I've got a complete set-up lined up to purchase. I decided to go with the 75g. Here's what I'm getting:

1. All-glass 75 RR tank stand and canopy
2. ASM G-3 with sedra 5000 pump
3. Tek T-5 fixture 4x54w
4. Mag 9.5 return
5. Stealth heater
6. 2 Korilia 4 power heads
7. APC power back-ups
8. Coralife power center with duel timers
9. Refractometer
10. 29g sump

Now I just have to figure out what everything is :confused2:. I can't wait! Hopefully I can get started next week.

Yep, it's Zanski's set-up, minus the livestock. Thanks for the welcomes!

mapleredta;168410 wrote: Gafba? I cant tell if thats you or not.

I'm not sure what this means??? gafba?
Welcome and congrats on the new setup.
I think you will really enjoy the 75g more than the 55g. The 55 is hard to aquascape because of how narrow it is. Good luck getting everything setup and you will need to start a build thread with pictures once you get going.
Good choice... Warning, some people have had major problems with the coralife timers catching fire and what not... But other then that, looks like a solid start!
Well, I finally got my set-up. It's sitting in my garage in a bunch of pieces, and I have no idea how they fit together. What have I gotten myself into :doh:! I've got to figure out how to plumb this thing and make a sump/fuge. And I have no idea how this skimmer works. Oh well, now the fun begins...

Like the wonderful Barbara said above, don't worry, just take it slow and easy.. Also if I was closer I would come by to help, but your are about an hour away..
Yeah, just offer up some beer (or choice beverage) to anyone willing to lend you a Saturday afternoon and you may find some takers in your area. It's all really simple.

Well....it can be.