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Hello all,
I just moved to Monroe, Ga from Arkansas.
I graduates from arkansas stats with an animal science degree.
I had a 55 gallon reef tank in AR for about a year before I had to break it down due to financial reasons.
Im looking to start up a new tank here but I am going to go slow and accumilate supplies for a while. Would love to have a seahorse tank and raise some fry but we will see.
Welcome, this is a great place for information... as long as you have a sense of humor.
Hi Meagan and welcome! :)

I have a pair of H. erectus seahorses and two batches of their fry. The oldest is just over 10 weeks old and the younger batch is 17 days behind them. I also have two female H. Kuda.

I'm new to saltwater so I'm trying to read and soak up as much info as I can. This is a great local forum. I also post on seahorse.org and they are very helpful as well. I've only had my tanks set up since the beginning of August.

Let me know if you are interested in my babies when they are ready in 6-8 weeks. http://youtu.be/x0PFVs1DZIc">Here's a video of them</a>

I got my adults from Dan and Abbie at seahorsesource.com, they are highly respected for their captive bred stock. You should check them out as well. :)
I would totally be interested in a couple of pairs or if you ever have too many to handle maybe try raising some as well.
The h. Erectus are the ones I am interested in.
Do you have any pictures of your adult tannks? Im trying to decide how I want to setup my tank.
Welcome! I just joined this week and I would have made several mistakes during my first set-up if it were not for ARC! This is a great community.
Welcome, there is a vast amount of info here on the forum. I cant help with sea horses but good luck, do you research make sure you provide the best home you can provide for them. That is all we ask.
Wicked Secret
your right around the corner from me. maybe we could get together sometime.
Thanks everyone. Right now im searching for a tank. I don't have a job right now as I just moved to the area so things are going to go slow but I do have a little bit of money saved if I can find some good deals.
Not to be rude but you may want to find a job or two. It get espensive fast no matter how good the deal is
If you stay within limits it's not that expensive. Good luck and hope to see a tank running soon!
Meagan, I just bought a 58 gallon tank and will be setting it up for the seahorses because I need more space already. I'll start a new tank build thread when I'm ready :)

If you haven't kept seahorses before, here's a great tankmate guide for setting up a safe tank for them. http://www.seahorse.org/library/articles/tankmates/tankmates.shtml">http://www.seahorse.org/library/articles/tankmates/tankmates.shtml</a>

eagle9252, I'd love to get together if I ever have time! I have 4 kids and 3 tanks, one full of about 70 seahorse babies :eek: LOL

Just a bit of advice, find the job first. The tank is a vital part but you will need more.