HELP, anemone dying?


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<span style="font-family: Arial;">I had this GBTA for more then 3 month and yesterday it decided to relocate itself from the middle of my tank to the top of the rocks. It looks like it’s loosly attached to the rocks and the glass. Today I came home and it was looking ok only to find it an hour later all deflated. Usually the tentacles are puffy and raised up and now it’s all but a pile of thin tentacles. Even the clown that has been hosting it in for a month+ is swimming away… he wouldn’t leave it for a second (except grabbing a piece of food). I don’t know how anemones and clowns behave when they split but I’m hoping that this is the case.</span>
I know your lights are bright enough..he's was up pretty high in the tank and you have 2x175w. Knowing you, the params are spot on as well (you checked them right?)

I was reading recently, maybe a a post here, about the fact that anemones deflate when they expel waste. They push out the water in their body and then take on new water. They'll also push brown waste out their mouth.

Can it be that this is part of that natural cycle?

From the pic, it doesn't look like the tentacles are shriveled up...just deflated.
<span style="color: black;">Quick update, it's ripping apart. Scariest thing I ever saw&#8230; I&#8217;m pretty sure it&#8217;s splitting.</span>
<span style="color: black;">Darn, the lights just came off. Will have to continue monitoring under moonlight.</span>
<span style="color: black;">Haven’t fed him recently but I did change the flow Big D. I know they move when there’s too much flow and they are unhappy. Frankly, I liked where it moved to. Cleared up some space for more corals:D. Now I’m thinking that the change in flow also stressed it to the point of splitting.</span>
I think it will be ok. If it splits they are gonna start traveling around the tank. Also the weeker of the 2 will go and hide for a week or 2 and then re-appear. Good Luck
<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Thanks all. Here are some progress pics. Chrisjet, you might become a granddad ;) </span></span>
Big D;99957 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">but if your clown bothers them too much after the split, he could kill them.</span>

Hmm, what do I do?
haninja;99961 wrote: <span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Thanks all. Here are some progress pics. Chrisjet, you might become a granddad ;) </span></span>

LOL, its amazing how many times those nems split from when i first got them. At least 14 times over the last year. Of course when i got them, there were 2 of them about the size of a basketball!! Also they were in the same tank and spot for 10 years! The clowns i got with them are 10 years old as well. They still have one they host in about the size of a baseball.
<span style="font-family: Verdana;"><span style="font-family: Arial;">Split</span><span style="font-family: Verdana;"> is over. One stayed on top of the rock resting, the other went hiding behind the rock. I’ll try to get more pictures tomorrow.</span></span>
Congrats I guess... expect them to move around a bit for the next few days... Protect your intakes..
mine has never split I find that kind of strange its 8-10" stretched out. Congrats on your baby nem!
sometimes they just wont. I have a RBTA that refuses to split and its GIGANTIC! easily 12+ inches when open. Also have a GBTA that just split a few months back for the first time and I've had it for almost 3 yrs.
Oh ya, BTW, do not try to feed the nem for a bit after a split, it does not have a mouth to eat. It just needs good light (and dirty water), till you see the mouth move back closer to center.
brandon it says here to do a water change
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;"><span style="font-family: Tahoma;">Thanks all. I have placed a net over the one that stayed on top of the rock to protect her from my clown. This morning it looked nice and happy under there. I don’t feed my nem so often anyway. I’ll just let it be for a while and then try a piece of shrimp. I’m sure it will take it if it’s ready to eat.</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">It would be interesting to see which one will host the clown.</span></span>
the clown will prolly go between both. Thats what mine do with my gbta and rbta.
That's nuts, my BTA is doing the same thing for the past two days he hasn't filled out... water is perfect, haven't really changed anything but I'm going to do a water change today and not feed him, see what happens..
