Help ASAP trying 2 catch a fish in my reeftank


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i have no luck trying 2 catch a fish. i want 2 get rid of my coral beauty and psyeduochromis because there are killing evertyhing.. now i have sat 4 hrs trying 2 catch with net.. how the hell can i catch these fish. plz help
Start taking out live rock. What size tank? It took about two hours to get out a Purple tang and a Rabbitfish out of a 75. and I had help. Good luck to ya.
A fish trap works good. Try searching on the reef tank or reef central for DIY traps. Or you could see if anyone local has one you can borrow.

A 2 liter coke bottle works good. I caught all my fish with a trap in less time than it took to make this post.

Starve em for a couple days and presto.
Sit tight while I try to find a link to a previous thread. In the meantime, dont feed your fish... a trap works best when they're hungry.

How big are the fish?">Fish Trap</a>

Here is one link ... but there are a couple others I remember...

(Stand by)
its a coral beauty and a psyeduochromis. the chromis i fukin hate cuz he attacks evertyhing. the coral beauty jus eats my coral and i need him gone asap.
If you're trying to run them down with a net, it will never happen. You need to set a trap, bait it with food and let it sit. In the meantime, don't feed your tank, except for food in the trap.

How many fish in your tank? What size tank? What size are the fish?
ive got that bottle trap in there. 65 gallon, 4 fish, foxface, true perc, coral beauty, and psyeduochromis. the trap isnt working. been in there 4 2 days now. has food in it. and im not feeding my fish.
Barb less hook!
Go fishing, hell I have done it and know scores of others, it will work in about 15 minutes at most. Don't use regular fishing hooks, you will tear them apart. Make sure they are barb less, nice of you to drop the F bomb also
Well, when I had to catch my sixline wrasse and percula clown, I took a large ziplock bag and submersed it into my tank and left it there for about 10 minutes so that after a while the fish would "forget" that it's there and it would just "disappear" and blend in. Then I took some food and squirted it into the bag and in they swam and I scooped the bag up. Worked perfect both times. I know it's not an "official" fish trap, or one that takes a lot of stuff, but it works! :D