Help!! Brain coral...


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I bought this maze brain about two weeks ago at the local LFS. It already had a small brown area. It was dipped in Seachem coral disinfectant when i brought it home, and then added directly to the tank. Up until now this area hadn't changed, but now there seems to be some tissue starting to die off next to it. Any idea what this is/what's causing it? Any advice would be helpful!

Ammo: 0, Nitrites: 0, Nitrates: 0, Ph: 0, Temp: 78.8, pH: 8.2

Running a 45 JBJ with a maxspect 120 light. Inhabitants include a few small hermit craps, 2 cleaner shrimp, snails, blue eye tang, 2 clownfish, flame angel, and several other corals, but none close enough to sting/cause harm.
Here's a pic
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i dont see any white "fresh" dead skeleton ... is the brown area getting bigger?
Yeah it's the brown part I'm referring too. There's a piece on the bottom edge of the brown spot that looks as if the tissue is coming off. What is the brown spot btw? Just a dead area?
Yeah looks dead. Had one of those get stung by a rbta and it looked like that. Left it in my main tank for months and that area never recovered.
I have one that had another coral sting it and it didn't recover after 6 months. I got tired of looking at it and cut it off and it has done great.
Not saying this is what you should do as I was taking a chance.
I would give it more time and do some research on the web and then make your call.
Those usually get white band or black band disease.

What is immediately to the right of the piece? Could it be being stung?

If it's not that, I can see a little bit of necrosis there. I'd frag it off with a fragging saw or rotary tool, dip it again and hope you got it all.

There was a hammer coral right next to it, but it has been moved (as of last night). Could that cause it?
jpines;963066 wrote: There was a hammer coral right next to it, but it has been moved (as of last night). Could that cause it?

Absolutely. Mind you, the brain can put out a whammy too - just depends which way the current is blowing. The coral that is downstream is the one that's going to get stung.

If you've separated them, I'd dip the brain again, and let it be for a little bit, but keep an eye on it for further recession.

UPDATE: Today I got home and found the brain in worse condition—it has spread to the adjacent ‘head’ (more to the left on photo). Yesterday I iodine dipped the brain again, then freshwater dipped it briefly before placing it back in tank with affected side down so I could monitor more closely. I also removed all other corals from around it. Any better idea on the cause and cure of what this is? Thanks.

(Shoutout to jpines07 for initial post while I was away)
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I'd watch and wait another day or two and see if it settles, or frag off the bad stuff, as I described above.