help: CA reactor people


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What type of pump are you running...also what would you recommend for a dual chamber reactor. I have a that good enough? I have a MAG5 at hand if it needs to be switched. Seems like I have to get the regulator really kicking some bubbles to get the Ph down in the reactor. What could the issue be? Is that recirc pump related? Also the water coming out of the reactor comes out in spurts, like it'll go a bit then slow down and stop for a few seconds then kick back up again. Please help.
You're stream should be constant and consistent; you know they have a shot for that now? ;)

Are you trying to drip the effluent or a steady stream?

If you are dumping too quickly, you will need more CO2 to keep the ph down. The faster the effluent drip, the higher the CO2 required, and vice versa.

I use a blueline 20 for my recirc pump and a MJ1200 to feed the reactor.

How are you measuring the ph of the first chamber?
Its chris's old reactor. Ph is being measured by a new probe and a Milwaukee controller. I was aiming for a drip, like a leaky faucet, thats what i've always heard.
What's your bubble count?

It won't be the recirc pump, as long as it is recirculating, it's fine.

I would think you just need to tinker with it a bit; problem is, you make a small change and wait to see what it does; I have to wait a few hours at least on mine.
This was over prolly an hour or two. My bubble count was really fast in the bottle on top of the reg, but the built in one seemed slower, perhaps It was clogged somewhere. In any rate I took it off line, I'm leaving and don't want this running while I'm not here.
It takes a bit of time to "dial in" a reactor so pateince is a good thing when setting one up. It is advisable to start with a low bubble count, depending on the type and size of the reactor, 30 to 50 bubbles per minute, and an effluent that is a broken stream or fast drip. Then let the reactor run for a time before you check the parameters (If you have a PH controller, I like letting it run for at least a day after making any changes). You are going to influence the PH in the reactor by adjusting either the input of CO2 or the output of the effluent. How low you want that PH will be determined by your choice of media. When you make changes, make small ones (go from 30 BPM to 40 BPM - Don't go from 30 to 60!). Once you get it set, your corals and clams will love you.

BTW, if the line isn't clogged, check for a leak.
I run a maxijet 1200 for feed (it's actually split off running some phosban reactors also) and an Eheim for a recirc. It does take some time to dial in.

Here is a great page with a link to a great reefkeeping article"></a>

Thanks guys, I put it back online. Was going to goto the mountains this weekend with the wife but seeing how the weather has been uneasy we called it off. Gonna try to get this thing working. Off to Marks site to do some reading.
Alright I got the drip working proper now, I switched out some of tge tubing that I had from the co2 tank. Also shortened the out line tube and that seemed to fix the "gurgle" type the line had. Its dripping a constant leaky faucet. The bpm is 70 and the pH in the reactor is at 6.7 I have the Milwaukee controller to turn off at 6.5 The media inside is the ARM small grain stuff. The MAG2 is kinda noisy, hopefully it'll quiet down. Ok so I have a question....the people running larger pumps (recirc) on their reactors, do you have a top fed or bottom fed reactor. Whats the plus to having a larger recirc?
Bubbles coming down my exit line....whats that from? That seems to be the issue with the erratic exit flow form the reactor.
I just tested my DKH of the effluent. 23DKH! Man this thing is rollin. LOL Good luck bro.
Lee, the different types of reactor require different pumps. I don't know which reactor you have so it's hard to answer the question you asked. For most downflow reactors, a Mag 2 or 3 will be fine unless it has a spray bar. If it has a spray bar it's best to use a small pressure rated pump. If you have an upflow design, it really depends on the size of the reaction chamber. Give us a bit more detail (manufacture/model/upgrades) about you reactor.
It was built by chris. Dual chamber 4x18" tubes upflow. He had this on his old tank and it came with a MAG2 already installed. I guess I need to get ahold of him for the questions. Thanks anyways.
A mag 2 or 3 should be fine for a 4" chamber. If the pump is making noise, it sounds like either some of the media has made it's way into the pump or there's an issue with the impeller.
New impeller and no media in there, I cleaned it fully before putting it online.
Feel the inside of the impeller well. Is there any scarring? The pump shouldn't be making more than a slight humming noise, if operating properly.
I'll address the impeller disassembly tomorrow...such a mess. As far as the air in the line, it seemed there was a pocket at the top of the 2nd chamber....wether this was CO2 build up or just air I have no clue. I'm assuming it was air because when it was hooked up the water was only entering so fast and I think it was exiting before it actually filled up the chamber. So I switch the placement of the needle valve from before the reactor to after so I can better adjust the flow. This so far seems to have solved the issue. Reactor is back on and bpm is 64. I'll let that go till tomorrow and see whats happening. Current tank parms are CA 440 and Alk 12 DKH
Lee..go to the MRC site and look at their Calcium Reactor setup instructions. They would basically cover 90% of yours. I am recirculating with a MAG2 which comes with MRCs. You should be fine with the MAG2. Let em know if you need any help.