HELP!!!! Clown Problem


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Ok, well after looking at my tank for like 2 seconds ago, I saw my clown have something over its eye. Like a cloudy eye patch with a tongue facing up.

He was/is eating just fine, just as active as always. Only new addittions to the tank is the last few weeks were the Flame Angel; a mushrom, leather, and fire coral and toadstool from scubagirl.

What is wrong, I am going to try to get pics so diagnosis would be good till pics are up.

Thanks everyone.

Ok got some pics... again he is eating very well, quickly added a little bit of food pellets and he charged right over there and grabbed one. Has no problem swimming and even waved at me for the pics :) (i'm trying not to panic and trying to make something good come out of this)

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Had the exact same look on a blue damsel, lost the eye but stayed healthy...
Well, he will be ok correct? He is still healthy and active and looks funny. i just don't want to lose him.. would a fresh water dip or hypo(er)salinty work a little to help cure it?
yup he is a fighter. i hope he makes it through the night
Get some vitamins and medication from your local sponsor store. Email them and see what they have. Great that he is eating pellets. They are the best foods for soaking up meds to treat your little guy there.
This little dude eats anything that remotely means food. I feed mostly frozen thawed but do feed pellets and flakes when I do not feel like getting out the frozen goodies.

Only one of the sponsors that is remotely close and open tomorrow is Keen Reef, I will see him tomorrow when I get my bulbs.
From what I have read in posts and the emails of mine he has answered you couldn't be in better hands. Also email JennM. She's a big help
Looks to me like a trematode. May have come in on the angel. Unusual in clowns, but can affect any fish - usually angels and tangs are the ones to show symptoms.

FW bath for 7 minutes will get these off. Don't go less than 7 mins, it takes about 4 for them to start dying and falling off. I'd dip the flame angel too (and maybe every fish in the tank).

If that notion makes you queasy, QT with PraziPro will get rid of them quickly too.

Jeremy (Jmaneyapanda) has used PraziPro in his reef a couple of times - I haven't done it myself (yet)... contraindications include fanworms, although he observed no problems with his during treatment.

I don't think it's popeye because the eye itself does not appear swollen but the trematode covering the eye gives it the appearance of being cloudy and larger - but if that bad boy gets peeled off (ie in a fw bath) the eye should look normal again.

Keep an eye open (pardon the pun) for secondary infection - removing the trematode leaves an open wound on the eye where its teeth had sunk into it. Normally heals over without problems, particularly if the fish is otherwise healthy and eating - but infection is a possibility so I'm making mention of it.


Ok, should I let Jeremy (jgilley), the previous owner of the angel for a year, know about this so he may do his fish as well?

Lets hope i can get the little sucker into a net for the fresh water dip.

How long should i wait between each FW bath, Jenn?
Hmmm possibly - usually we see this on newly caught angels... that sort of changes the "probable cause" somewhat....

I still think it's a trematode though. I wouldn't do more than 1 bath per day. Often one is enough. Watch for things coming off the fish - the trematode looks like an opaque sesame seed, and they will fall off in the dip. Sometimes there will be more coming out of the mouth and gills (they attack soft tissues - easier access).

If a 7 minute dip doesn't fix it, it could be something else - but from the looks of the pic that would be my first course of action.

Ok, will commense this bath later on in the day with fresh RO water.

He is up and active as usual :)
Ok, I was finally able to catch the little dude. Man is he fast. Its not like he is even sick he was eluding me so well. lol

He is currently in freshwater and will be done about 2:20p... so far no signs of anything falling off, update will come shortly
Ok, dipped him for 7-8 minutes is FW and he was not happy camper lol

I just put him back in the tank and it looks as if it has gone down but not totally off. Looks better. Will continue to dip for the next 3-4 days for any other out comes
WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! Clown is doing better! The thing with his eye is gone, i think. I don't see it... freshwater dips for 7 minutes and garlic and KannaPlex and Focus really did the job, noticed an almost immediate effect of goodness after first dip and did the last last night I am so happy :)