Help!!! Coral's Bleaching


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Ok so this is just weird. I have really sat and looked at my tank for a about 2 maybe 3 days and today I'm looking an all my ACRO's are dead or dying :sad::sad::sad::sad:
Here are my parameter:
Alkalinity:2.4 meq/L a conversion says that is about 6.72 dKH
NO3:Between 20 and 40 cause have not done water change in a little been forgetting to buy water
pH:about 8.3
Here are a few pics of some of my acro's
> 1</a>
> 2</a>

Also my lighting is a 250 watt MH with PC's
It is a coral life but broke about 3 weeks ago. Also idk really what they are at the dip strip goes from 20 to 40 and it was in the middle. I'll do a water change in the mourning when i can get over and buy some water.
Ok i'll get on that test kit. Yes this is the 37 gallon. temp swing is not much maybe a degree or 1.5 at night. As for fish that is in my sig, 2 Clowns, A diamond goby, a Sailfin tang and a blue hippo tang. I only feed like every other day since i don't have my skimmer. But right now i am trying to fix that so hopefully it will be up about Monday or Tuesday. Oh and the tank has been up since September.
It looks like rtn to me, but either way.......toast. As Dogdoodoo says, get yourself some decent test kits, get a skimmer, and please don't put stony's in the tank until it's stable & ready to roll. Hobby test kits are off by like 3% to 20% as is, those test strips are worthless. Who knows what your parems really are? Ask some questions & do some research so you don't stress out, waste your money, and kill coral. Don't worry, I'm not condemning you, been there myself! Sorry dawg, but 1 disagreement, temp is most likely a non issue.

here's some reading for your pleasure:"></a>




mysterybox;186177 wrote: It looks like rtn to me, but either way.......toast. As Dogdoodoo says, get yourself some decent test kits, get a skimmer, and please don't put stony's in the tank until it's stable & ready to roll. Hobby test kits are off by like 3% to 20% as is, those test strips are worthless. Who knows what your parems really are? Ask some questions & do some research so you don't stress out, waste your money, and kill coral. Don't worry, I'm not condemning you, been there myself! Sorry dawg, but 1 disagreement, temp is most likely a non issue.

here's some reading for your pleasure:"></a>





Ok so what caused the RTN and is that for sure what happened or was it combo that and NO3??? Ok i'll get the test kits. BUT as for skimmer all tonight when I was trying to fix it and created a bigger problem by breaking that little ceramic rod!!!:doh::doh: And would the RTN have caused frogspawn to die??? cause i had i small frag that i got around the same time died about 2 weeks ago. And will RTN effect my xenia, shrooms, and other softies like a bunch of rics i'm getting on Tuesday. And trust me not one SPS and LPS or acro will go into that tank till i fix this.
Now if this was what i could read for school!!! I might pay attention :lol2::lol2:
it just sounds like a combination of things, but since you truly don't know what your tank's parems are, it's really hard to tell (due to your testing methods). Softies should be fine, but no guarantees. Your frogspawn most likely died from the same reasons as the sps did; not because of it. I can't tell you what caused it, because you don't have any accurate readings. One time readings are also not USUALLY any good either (unless it's some kind of spike or something), because you need to have multiple readings 24-7 for extended periods of time showing the same results (at least within appropriate range) month after month for stonys.
Ok so here is my list
1) Get water tested at SWC
2) Buy some saltwater for a water change
3) Get some really good test kits
4) Fix the back of my tank so that i can hang my skimmer
4) Get new skimmer or fix old one
5) Another WC

Ok but i have about $200 worth of rics coming on tuesday what should i do with those?
Dawg for your fyi i spent many months researching before i started and there are only one thing that i have done on an impulse regards to my: and that was drilling my tank at like 10pm with chrisjet. Everything else i have thought through before doing.
Is their anything I could to keep the tangs?? Their are reason i don't want to talk about and get into here on why i want/need to keep them.
Ok i will look for the book and i appreciate the help but your last post seemed to be attacking me. As for the dip strips i use them because my buddy has been using them for about 2.5 years so that is what i went with. The tangs in the 37 i was told i would be ok for awhile but would eventually when they got to big but would just have to be careful. By two different LFS and online at reefbuilders. It is 12 rics by the way but that is only for about 2 week until a guy's tank can finish cycling. Then it will be 5 rics
This just makes me so mad because I mean in the past 3 days i've kinda ignored the tank cause of the buy, SAT's and work and when i got home from SAT i was looking at the tank and saw everything and it really makes me mad i mean i had some really cool corals this one acro colony i had was as bright green as your avatar at night and another frag was this nice soft blue or the deep green. It makes me mad that it is gone. Just makes me mad an i fell powerless so i'll get on everything. Thanks for the your help and any other advice let me know and i'll keep you updated.
Barbara;186240 wrote: Mockery, you are close to me (I'm in woodstock). I have a 20G in my daughter's bedroom that is emply of any fish or corals right now (except for a small patch of palys; about 3-4 heads). If your tank is unstable, you can house your rics in my tank for a couple of weeks until you get your conditions under control. Just let me know. The tank has Power compact lighting, a HOB protein skimmer (some off brand, but is like a backpack skimmer), heater and powerhead, so it's ready for inhabitants. I'm here if you need me.

Barbara thank you i may take you up on that. Are you going to the meeting by any chance??
Oh your bringing Tyler he went in with me on the deal so i have to find him but if i need you to store the rics i will bring them then but i don't know yet since they are not all mine.
i got a couple of frags from barb about 3 or 4 days ago and they all looked AMAZING I put them in my tanks and withiin hours the zoas were out the GSP took about 2 days and it was full bloom the SPS i got from her had good color and look really good. Her tanks would probably be a great temporary home for your rics if u needed it.