HELP!!! I need wood working experience...


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Ok so here is the situation: I got a nice 2X175W Halide unit with 2x96W Actinics and Moon lights. Good grand great wonderful. The problem is it can not fit under the canopy that it needs to. Solution: Build a new canopy or get rid of the Halides and go back to PCs. I do not doubt that the canopy can be made with simple tools and a case of beer. The instructions from the wife are "it better match the stand EXACTLY or that light goes!" </em>Umm that is a problem. I have the "old" canopy as a blueprint, it just needs to be bigger. I can save the trim off the canopy so all the detail work is easy as pie! I do not know jack crap about wood working and I do not crud about matching stains. I am a good learner. I will appraise your house and teach you what I know about anything that I know about, but woodworking is not one of them. Can someone please help save my lights?!? :unsure:
Can you post a image of your current hood?.. I have a friend that is really into wood working and if your just trying to make it taller then that shouldnt be a problem. Stains,.. I don't know,. but I bet the home depot does. It's a shame we live so far away from each other. I would like to see a pic though.
Ya I will post a pic tomorrow but here is the link for the Stand and canopy:"></a>

It is a 55Gallon (48" x 13") the red oak
Hi Brandon,

I may be able to help...

The good

1) I live in your area. (I'm in auburn). About 10 miles north east.

2) I know basic (pretty good) working.

3) I have the tools. Table saw, Power Mitre, etc...

4) I work cheap (free, if it comes in the way of a friendly request) :thumbs:

The bad

1) I have 19,000 things going on (like every one else) SO you HAVE to ask. I dont chase people down :)

2) My tools are in the garage, so good weather is better.

3) I don't know squat about matching stain. BUT, my (beautiful) wife is a artist and photographer and she does, but she doesn't come as cheap as I do. Think Crown :shades:

The indifferent

It might be easier to contrast the color of the hood instead of matching it. Better check with the wife though. Sounds like you make as many home decisions as I do.

I keep getting reminded of that one I almost made in 96. That was a trip through the pain cave. Oops, Was that a little too much info?

Seriously, I can help... but I am curious... if the stand (as it looked in your link) matches the size of the tank, how is it going to fit if we make it bigger?


THANK YOU for the offer! You had me at "HI Brandon" ;)

The canopy does not have to be "Bigger" as in length or width, just taller. Right now it is about 6" high (Big enough for a power compact). Well the Halides have to sit 8"+ from the water plus the fixture itself is about 6". The trim pieces, I can match the stain color, might be able to be saved and transfered over to the new canopy and save hours of time. At that point it would be constructing a box. I even thought about making the oak box and taking it to a custom cabnet maker to have stained. Long story short, I have a million things going on as well, but you do live close and I could use the help and I would trade services (I am a chef and a pretty good "expert" in the real estate field). SO please let me know if you have a few hours over the next two weekends! I am not too proud to beg! ;)
That stand looks as if it is made from maple. Try finding some finish grade maple plywood and applying a clear coat.