Help identify coral please


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mableton, ga
Any help with this one? It’s been in my tank for about 3 months on the bottom of the tank. That’s where it was at in the previous owners tank.
It just looks like it’s not thriving. All other softies and stocks doing great.
any suggestions? And identity? Thanks. EC34D6A7-BF0E-4F10-8F42-0967A815B3FA.jpeg
Thanks for the identification. It came as a package deal with other corals and livestock

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If it dies, keep the skeleton because in 3-4 months, babies will sprout from it.
Mine died and I kept it in the tank and now there are about a dozen babies growing from it
wow Thats cool. It dont seem to be dying, but just not thriving. I just looked at the care for it. Thanks again. What do you feed yours?
Do you give it much light? or keep it somewhat shaded

Usually keep on tank bottom. If you have sand it could irritate the edge. I have put mine on a small flat rock just off of the sand.