Help identifying please!


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Hey, I've got two things that I think are bad. One seems to me to be bubble algae and the other looks to be aipstasia. Since I'm not super keen in identifying these can anyone give me a hand? Pictures below. Once again, thank you guys!
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:: sigh :: thank you, that's not what i wanted to hear, but yeah. I've got small patches of the hair algae, but it's just tiny bits in places, I'm running chaeto in my fuge, got a AquaC remora pro protein skimmer and I do bi-monthly water changes of 20%. I feed 3x a week and not much because I only have a few small fish. What else can I do to combat the hair algae?
Okay, so I just used a kitchen knife to scrape out the bubble algae from underneath. Pretty sure i didn't pop any because i took a little of what it was mounted on off the rock too. inserted a hypodermic needle to all the little aiptasia and squirted hot lemon juice into them until they completely shriveled up. And just plucked all the hair algae I could pull up from my tank. I can't seem to get some of it up, is there a trick to some of this? It's mounted pretty well in some hard to reach spaces and i can't seem to pull/scrape it off.
Okay, just cut down the light cycle: Actinics from 10-6, whites from 11-5.
When you say daily, should i cut the amount I'm feeding into daily amounts, so instead of once every other day (I feed MWF) cut the cubes into smaller portions and feed M-Sunday?
Skimmer is now set to run wet, just had to adjust the rubber ring around the collection cup.
I'll keep up on the aiptasia, don't want that getting out of hand.
10% Twice a week, okay, my salt water is mixing right now in a bucket, i'll do 10% tomorrow and then on thursday and keep that up, but for how long? until the algae goes away? for a month?
Thanks dawgdude
What Charlie was saying about feeding is cutting back to 3 days/wk is fine, as long as you're feeding the same amount that you were when you were feeding daily. i.e. the total amount of food going in the tank each week should be less than it was before.

You can do that by reducing the frequency or by feeding less each day. If you feed less often, but feed 'em more at a 'sitting' you're really not gaining anything....
Oh, I'm not cutting back, that's my feeding schedule. 3x a week, M, W, and Friday.
Got it.

To reduce green algae you need to 'starve' the algae--it needs light, phosphate, and/or nitrates. The nitrates & phosphates typically come from feeding the tank (assuming that you're using RODI water).

You can wait to see if the light change, along with the other changes that Charlie suggests is sufficient, or you can reduce feeding a bit in combination with the other changes.
Thought I'd already said it, but just so we're all clear, I AM using RO/DI water with current filters and membrane :). Don't have a TDS meter, I just replace the main filters every 6-8 months and Membrane every 18 months, so I should be okay, right?