Help Looking for a new pump for my skimmer. Any Suggestions?


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Hello everyone.
I am in need of a new pump for my skimmer. I have an ASM G4 skimmer that has been modified with feed from the overflow and the Sedra 5000 is mesh wheel modded and is working as a Recirc pump. This is working in sump for my 120g tank.
Last night/late afternoon the power went out for a little bit and now the pump wont come back on. I couldnt get the pump to come back on last night so it sat in Vinegar overnight. It looks really clean now but I cannot get it to come on still. If you take the cover off and pull the shaft out just a little (about 5-10 millimeters) the modded impellar will spin really well... then when you push it in a little or try and replace the cover it stops and cannot get going again.
I guess I need a new pump? Any suggestions? I want a really nice one (AquaBee ???) but dont want to spend a fortune. Any one got any ideas of what pump and where from? Trying to look at the DAS skimmer pumps which are AquaBee knock offs correct? Where can I find them? Should I go Eheim? Eheim knockoff? Ocean Runner? Quiet One?
Thanks for any help.
I had the same problem wednesday with a little cheapo pump and did the same trouble shooting you did and impeller spun great.

After further inspection I had a hard to see bind due to misalignment of the cover that fit over the impeller.

Just a thought.
The reaction chamber is quite large. 17.5 inches from bottom to the bottom of the collection cup. About 27 inches around in diameter. The entire unit is about 23 or so inches high.
Your pump is probably still working. You just have to be sure the impeller is seated properly. But if you do decide to get a pump try"></a>. I got my ASM skimmer from there and I know they carry replacement parts including pumps.

Well, after almost 48 hours soaking in straight Vinegar it finally loosened up. I got the pump running again by taking it apart and putting it back together several times. I ran it for a while in the Vinegar and it foamed it up really well with the mesh wheel. Then I ran it in a container with just freshwater, then in a container with freshwater mixed with lots of Arm and Hammer, then back in more freshwater. It is back on my skimmer happily humming along.
Crisis averted. (this time at least)