Help me decide on what kind of lights


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I can not decide on what kind of lights to get. I have a 80g bow front with a 30g sump. I plan on keeping a little bit of everything in my tank, as in LPS, SPS, clams, but mostly zoos and other softies. I have noticed that alot of people are going to T-5's. Is there any advantages from T-5's, MH, or PC's? Or what is the best lights in your opinion? But just looking for a little insight on what might be the best for me. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
HO T5s unless you want shimmer. T5s will put out plenty of light to grow just about anything including SPS and clams, run longer, draw less juice and don't heat a tank as much.
If it were me I would go with a combo of 2 x 250W MH and T5 Actinics. The clams and sps will appreciate the MH and the T5 actinics will give any softies, lps, zoanthids, etc a very nice look. I just bought a 2 x 150W MH unit with 4 x 39W T5 actinics and really like it.
Unlikely the MH you have will put out that much more PAR than a high quality HO T5. I like the look of MH, but I know good HO T5s can do as much as my 2x250w MHs.
I have been reading up on T-5's and they say that are better for aquariums less than 24" deep. Mine is 27" deep.
Remember your sandbed might take up 3 or more inches. T-5-s will be enough, 250's with a good reflector like a Lumenarc will be way more than enough.
I have nothing against T5's. I just said "if it were me". I like the shimmer effect.
I would go for 2 - 400w 14K MH with 265w of actinic pc's.

Why wonder if you have enough light? 400's cost just a little bit more than 250's. and you will never doubt yourself later.

But that is just me.
Wow, what a loaded question... you might as well have opened the Chevy - Ford debate ( Ford all the way BTW) :)

My first tank way used VHO. I love the color spectrum output by VHO.

I had small tank with PC lighting.

My current tank uses 250W HQI MH with T5 Actinic. I also have some holding tanks with pure T5 lighting and one using NO flourescent.

If you must use flouescent, T5 is the way to go. I prefer the light output and the way MH lighting looks more that flourescent. There is someting about all the light coming from a single point that looks nice to me. If you haven't seen tanks lit with both types of lighting, you should find the time before investing in new lighting.

You will need to figure out how much intensity you want no mater which lighting you choose. The first variable is the color of light you want. The bluer the light, the higher the wattage you will need to achieve certain levels of PAR. Also the deeper you go, the more the light intensity (PAR) drops. If you plan on keeping a tank FULL of PAR hungry organisms, you will need a lighing system that can deliver high levels of PAR the entire depth of your tank.

For me, I wanted high levels of PAR to keep SPS but I also wanted areas of lower PAR to keep LPS and mushroom corals. I like my light to the blue side but not like full on Actinic blue. I have a 30" deep tank and selected 250W HQI for my tank supplimented by T5 Actinics. The fixture came with 10K MH bulbs which was too white for me. I switched them out to 14K bulbs and with the T5 actinics (which don't really change the color that much) my tanks lighing looks perfect to me.

Your best bet is to take a tour of tanks or tour of fish stores and check out some tanks with T5, VHO, PC and MH and see what you like...