Help me nuke-proof my tank


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Ever since I started dosing kalk as my top off, I've been afraid I'm going to nuke my tank somehow, so I'm looking for suggestions on how to nuke-proof my tank. I had a minor incident where I was messing with the ATO and added too much kalk, resulting in a snow storm in my sump, but the system pH never got above 8.8. Luckily, I didn't lose anything.

Let me give you some info on my system.

1) 30 gallon tank with 10 gallon sump
2) RKII controller
3) Gravity fed top off regulated by a float switch connected to a solenoid valve
4) Homemade kalk chamber with a magnetic stirrer to keep the Ca(OH)2 suspended. This is gravity fed by the ATO.
5) Currently, I have the ATO on the ON/OFF oscillating control with the RK2 to have power for 1 out of every 30 minutes.

So here are my worries which result in too much kalk addition, nuking my tank:
1) Snail trips the float valve
2) Solenoid fails in open position
3) Float valve sticks in the open position

Thanks for any suggestions!:yes:
Have a second float valve for redundancy. You can also build a acrylic guard or use some netting of some kind to keep snails away from the float valve.You could also just use a big enough topoff container to supply the tank for a couple days,but not big enough to nuke the tank if something did stick. Just a few thoughts.....Godd luck!
+1 to James' comments plus you can also set your ATO on a port on your RK2 and program it as a pH channel set to turn off if your pH goes above 8.6 (or some value).
I tried doing that, but for some reason the channel will not control based on pH, even though RK2's have that function. It may just be something funny with my unit.

I think right now, it's safer just running it 1 out of every 30 mins and letting the pH go where it may.

Now if I buy an AC3, then I could control based on pH, water level, AND on/off oscillator!!!
You definately want redundancy with all your float valves. It's not necessary to add a snail guard for each float, just the primary float. You can use a orange/plastic medicine bottle as a snail guard, just drill holes all over the place especially the lid to allow air to escape and for water to move freely.
CGill311;48128 wrote: I tried doing that, but for some reason the channel will not control based on pH, even though RK2's have that function. It may just be something funny with my unit.

I think right now, it's safer just running it 1 out of every 30 mins and letting the pH go where it may.

Now if I buy an AC3, then I could control based on pH, water level, AND on/off oscillator!!!

Did you contact Digital Aquatics and see why they think it does not work right? If they claim it is supposed to work based on ph levels,then it better for the money spent on the controller. Im about to fork over quite a few $$$ on the AC3 and I hope it performs as advertised.
Upgrade your firmware on the RK2 will likely fix your pH problem... course I LOVE my AC3 and if you have the money worth it IMO.