[Help Me!!] Silicone between glass removal


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I have tried a razor blade behind it to remove this piece but their isn't enough room to slice far enough for removal. Anyone can think of a way to remove this glass piece without damaging the outer glass?

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Bgcoop8784;987253 wrote: a strong piece of fishing line maybe
I'll see if I can get some from Walmart that is small enough. The razorblade couldn't even get far because how close the two glasses are.
If a razor blade won't fit....then I would surmise that it's not attached with silicone. I'm willing to be it's superglued or something along those lines. Silicone is usually to thick.
Thanks guys! I have found a way. I used needle nose pliers and applied pressure on the small glass piece.

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I am using the pliers parallel to the outer glass and chipping away by tightening the grip. It worked! I have one gone.

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Allen;987287 wrote: There is no set thickness to a silicone joint.
I didn't know that till I saw that small amount on that glass bracket. It was like a 2 dabs of silicone and was super strong.
MarquiseO;987288 wrote: I didn't know that till I saw that small amount on that glass bracket. It was like a 2 dabs of silicone and was super strong.

yup thats how they hold the panes of glass together for a tank. they use rtv silicon its super strong and the glass can be pushed within microns of each other before it cures
Picoreefguy;987308 wrote: yup thats how they hold the panes of glass together for a tank. they use rtv silicon its super strong and the glass can be pushed within microns of each other before it cures

I meant as in the amount used. Most tanks you see have a large amount for use. This piece had a very thin film and was a hassle to get loose.
I used a cheap disposable box cutter. I know it sounds crazy but I found a box of 12 for about 3 bucks. I mean super flimsy blade and very small design. but the blade was small enough to fit between the edges of every tank I've torn down. And long enough to be able to rock between the edges as needed. I broke several of the blades, but they were so cheap that the blade broke away before too much pressure was applied to the glass. Kind of like a fail safe to keep the glass in tact.
Thanks for the replies. I got the pieces off by breaking them with pliers. There was very little room between the two pieces that rendered all box cutters and razors useless.