Help me with a question please.


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I have a buddy that has a 65 gallon tank its probably 8 years old and running. (he got it from his brother not long ago) Any ways on the rocks it appears that there are little white spyder egg sacks.:eek: I know thats not possible but thats the best way to describe it. Ill try to get a picture of them for today. I would like to know if they are bad and how to get rid of them. Thanks ARC. Oh and somebody buy my bike :lol2:
Sounds like it might be sponges...need pics to know for sure. If it is, they're not bad.
I agree with jtshack from what you describe they sound like a type of syconoid sponge. Check out this site
a> about halfway done they have some examples with pictures.
dawgdude;196414 wrote: Good sign and they are good filter feeders as well. Just make sure that you dont take that rock out and expose the sponge to air for any period of time.
Did you ever get my pm?