HELP? Medical Issue.....?


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I may just throw in the towel. No one to blame but me. Yesterday I was cleaning out my tank getting ready to leave the country next week. I had a flat rock in the sand bed that was covered with Nuclear Green Palys (they were not looking good). When I reached down to grab it to move it up on the rockwork I felt a sting (like a bee sting) under my right thumb nail. I didn't think too much about it. This morning my thumb is swollen and when I push down on my thumbnail I get a "numb" feeling. Also it may be a coincidence but I have a sore throat as well. The thumb hurts like a mother trucker where I felt the sting. I do not want to go to a doctor but can anyone give me tips on what I should watch for? I know there are previous posts (this is my 2nd I believe) but I just do not feel like searching through them. Thanks in advance.

(Cardiologists / Nurses) I am not sure if it matters but I have Cardio-Myopathy / Congestive Heart Failure. My Ejection Fraction is between 25-30. The cause is unknown. The Heart Failure Specialist at Piedmont thinks it was probably a virus that attacked my heart. They implanted a defribbulator in my chest (not a pacemaker as pace is good) in 12 / 2012 due to the high risk of sudden heart failure. I am 53 years old and 6"2 180. I work out daily and am taking MMA fight lessons (just in case....). Don't smoke or drink. Not sure if any of this matters but figured I would include it. Thanks.
If you stabbed it and a small infection has taken place( usually not life threatening). Pus usually cause a lot of pressure under the skin and can cause a decent amount of pain. Does your finger have a slight sheen to it?
The skin around my thumb area seems kind of hard and plastic like. Underneath the thumb nail it looks red. Not blood red but more red than the other thumb.
Have you ever gotten a hang nail on your big toe? If yes is the pain similae?
ECO it is hard to say. Back before my heart condition I used to play in several tennis leagues. Due to the running - starting- and stopping in tennis I had to have my big toe nails (each one) removed several times. They would turn black and would bleed underneath the toenail.
I did just notice on the "thumb print" side of the bad thumb there is a small bump (smaller than a watch battery) that is white towards the surface. My wife is trying to force me to the ER but I feel stupid going in with a small scratch and a little swelling... I am going to wait it out...
I would definitely side with your wife on this one. Feeling stupid and going to the ER heavily is a much better end than not going to be sure. over priced insurance is there for a reason. I would go, if not for you, to give your wife peace of mind. All medical advice from anyone on here can be completely wrong due to difference in the individual.
My grammar is very poor today. I apologize about that. I blame it on the holidays
Darren24;1004436 wrote: I did just notice on the "thumb print" side of the bad thumb there is a small bump (smaller than a watch battery) that is white towards the surface. My wife is trying to force me to the ER but I feel stupid going in with a small scratch and a little swelling... I am going to wait it out...

I think it would be prudent to go to the doctor. I've heard horror stories of these "little things" turning into bigger things. Not to freak you out as it's probably nothing, but better to be on the safe side. Especially if you have a vacation coming up.
Darren go to the Er and be safe. No sense in waiting with all the problems you already have. Last thing you want is to be in the hospital a day before you leave and its 10 times worse. Go my friend and make sure!
Exactly....error on the side of caution and go to the ER. If not for you, then do it for your wife. Your body is sending out an immune response to whatever stung you. It is probably nothing and your body may be able to fight it off, but if not your taking a risk. Dont let something small turn into a much larger problem....
ask Jeff Muse what happens when you don't go to the ER! He knows first hand (several days in the hospital and thousands in cost). I think you should err on the cautious side. You may have gotten stung by a bristle worm and while that's not necessarily the problem, it could be the root cause allowing bacteria to enter the wound and thus setting up an infection. Better to go now while you can get good medical attention that it to blow up into something bigger while you are travelling.
Darren, the new Paulding Hospital is closer to us now, won't be as busy and has a good staff. I would recommend it over Kennestone.
Please keep up abreast on your health.

If you need any help with your tank while your gone, I'd be happy to help.
I would leave it to your best judgment as to whether you go get a Dr. to look at this. But it sounds to me like you got stabbed with a calcium spicule. For me, they hurt for a couple days, then the swelling goes down and it heals. There may be a bit stuck in the stick, and for me it is like getting a sliver from a piece of wood, but it hurts a bit more. I have not considered it to be anything serious in the times I have had it happen (many in my case). They have always healed in a few days.
Darren I'm with the rest, no medical advice here better than an specialist should be taken seriously, no offense . And like Jeff said, the best case scenario would be contacting Jeff Muse as he can refer you to the right place.
Folks you people are great. It is a long story but I have several major health issues that keep me at doctors appointments constantly. I am just sick of doctors (no offense to any doctors). It is starting to feel a little better so I am going to wait it out. I REALLY do appreciate everyone's advice. Thanks.
Darren....I think Acroholic is spot on. I've done the same thing several times and it generally hurts for 2 - 3 days then begins to subside. I would look at soaking the wound in hydrogen peroxide to possibly speed the healing and kill any germs.
Acroholic;1004461 wrote: D,
I would leave it to your best judgment as to whether you go get a Dr. to look at this. But it sounds to me like you got stabbed with a calcium spicule. For me, they hurt for a couple days, then the swelling goes down and it heals. There may be a bit stuck in the stick, and for me it is like getting a sliver from a piece of wood, but it hurts a bit more. I have not considered it to be anything serious in the times I have had it happen (many in my case). They have always healed in a few days.

I will throw in my 2c. Vinegar dissolves calcium. Try soaking your thumb in vinegar. Can't hurt.
JDavid;1004498 wrote: I will throw in my 2c. Vinegar dissolves calcium. Try soaking your thumb in vinegar. Can't hurt.

Also works on Bristle worm stingers I think. Could it be that?