Help moving a tank tomorrow 10/29 in Lawrenceville


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Hello everyone, is anyone available tomorrow afternoon around 4-5pm to help me carry/load a 210g tank? Ideally would like at least 2 people to help. I have two pairs of suction cups to help out and it sounds like it’s a pretty straight shot out the door from where it is currently sitting. Is anyone available?
I can help out if needed. Just let me know by this evening so I don't make plans
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Thanks guys, we’re having to push it back til next weekend since my other help is only available for tight window of time tomorrow.
I am not available Saturday, but I am moving a tank already in Conyers on Sunday. I have not nailed down the time yet. If you decide you want to do the move Sunday let me know the time and I will try to coordinate my move so I can help you out. I have several sets of suction cups that I would be happy to bring assuming I can make the timing work.
Anyone available this Saturday? Right now I’m thinking between 11-12
I am working until 4pm this Saturday. Let me know if you try to move it Sunday and depending on the time I may be able to stop by and help for a few minutes since I will be in the neighborhood.