Help need an ID, I am guessing...


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Very small nems. I have a colony of zoas I had purchased and these were spread amongst the polyps, I just thought they were an interesting looking paly's. They seem to be bothering the polyps and I liked how they looked so I cut around the polyps and took them out. They came out so easy, once I used razor on zoas they just fell out. I super glued them to a plug and put them back in my system. Looked at them later and noticed a few polyps gone, just thought the current had got them. Then I noticed how all of the others had moved around on the plug. One was even on the eggcrate. I do not know if they would be like an aptasia and need to kill or what. They are cool looking. Size reference: the disk is 1 1/2" in diameter. The redish spots on disk are the superglued areas.
If those are truly mini carpet nems I would definitely be interested in a few!
Wow that is pretty.. how are mini carpet nems classified? Those might look good in my zoa tank. Lmk if you sell ramone.
Kirru, wait 5 minutes and meet me around back of Glenns. Shhhhhhh......covert operation in progress. He will never know. He will be at the store trying to find me.hehehe:D
Fish Scales2;515754 wrote: Kirru, wait 5 minutes and meet me around back of Glenns. Shhhhhhh......covert operation in progress. He will never know. He will be at the store trying to find me.hehehe:D

Roger that, Moving in now..
I know nothing about them, or how much they are worth. They are really neat, I guess they thought they were zoanthids until I cut them loose. Now they don't want to stop moving. :)
I got a closer image, the first images are more relevant to coloration. Looks like a mini rock anemone.
I dont think it is a stichodactyla tapetum. I am trying to figure out exactly what they are. One thing is for sure. They are absolutly incredible looking and I want some. I do not care if they are invasive, they can have there own tank. Feeding them will probably encourage them to split. You are welcome to one of my flowerpots with fiberglass mesh so they cant escape and you can monitor them.
I put them in a flower pot with bridal veil. Only have 3 left, the other 3 wandered off. Maybe I will find them later (yeah right).
ramone;515785 wrote: I put them in a flower pot with bridal veil. Only have 3 left, the other 3 wandered off. Maybe I will find them later (yeah right).
when mine first went in the tank they went into the rock and I thought the same but a few days later they were out sun bathing found a spot and have stayed put .