HELP!! Nem got in PH, Any hope for GDM?

lady sartain

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The Nem we had in our nano got in the powerhead last night. We discovred it when Jason got up about 5am. We quickly got our two dawin clowns and the GDM out and into another tank that was up and going w/ just some crabs in it. The darwins look fine and act fine so we have moved them to the fuge of our large system until we can get the nano cleaned up and back in working order.

The GDM is my concern. He is just laying on the sand. We have added an airstone and he seems to be swimming a little more than he was when we first moved him but he isn't looking great. Is there anything else we can do or is is just a wait and see thing now?
Well,I am sad to say that our GDM didn't make it this morning.He looked like he was going to be alright at first,but he just got worse and worse.
Goodbye Frank,we're going to miss you:sad::sad:
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I'm sorry that you lost such a sweet animal. I am actually surprised since eels seem very tough and can even live out of water for quite a while..

So what really happened? Was the powerhead the only source of oxygenation for the water, or did it trip a breaker, or did the nem contaminate the tank?
Thanks Derek,
I believe the nem was just moving around, got sucked into the PH , and then NUKED the tank.
It's only a Korillia nano in a 24 Gal Aqua pod,I don't think that's too big?!?
It has a Maxi jet 1200 for the return pump and I have the inlets split and pointed at the surface of the tank to break-up the water.
The only thing I've done lately is a 20% WC last Sun and I haven't added anything to the tank,so IDK.
The GDM has been in this tank from day one(about 3mo's),so I don't think it was the O2,but I have no way too test that???
We're just glad the Darwin's are OK,when I put my hand in the tank with them they attack me,so I think that's a good sign.

FYI,I will be getting the other nem's(2-babies that came in on a coral) out of my display now that I've seen first hand what they can do.
Derek_S;274307 wrote: I'm sorry that you lost such a sweet animal. I am actually surprised since eels seem very tough and can even live out of water for quite a while..

So what really happened? Was the power head the only source of oxygenation for the water, or did it trip a breaker, or did the nem contaminate the tank?
wow I am so sorry. I have had a few nems die in my tanks over the years and never had one Nuke a tank. What exactly happand to your tank? I just had one die last week and I didnt even do a water change for a few days and everything seems fine. Bad luck maybe? Either way I am sorry for your loss, especially for your GDM.
May not be a good idea to have an eel in a nano (">Bob Fenner says nothing smaller than a 40g</a>, even for the smallest of morays), since they are extremely sensitive to water quality and oxygen deprivation. They have small, restricted, uncovered gil openings and actually have to open their mouths to breathe. This is probably why your eel didn't pull through.

We learned the hard way with our first GDM. Even though it was the lone occupant of a 54g tank, it died from oxygen deprivation due to one of those plug-in air fresheners that scents the air by heating oil. The eel was fine when we went to bed one night and dead the next morning, after the plug-in, which was installed about 10 feet from the tank the night before, left a very thin film of oil on the water surface.

So sorry about your loss. I love these little guys and know I'd be heartbroken if I lost mine.

To answer your question,when I got up this morning I saw the water was really cloudy and I started looking for the cause and found the nem in the PH.
Everything was fine last night before bed ,I don't know why the nem moved and/or died,it loved my clowns and it ate very well when I fed it.All the inverts and corals seem to be fine.
rostato;274324 wrote: wow I am so sorry. I have had a few nems die in my tanks over the years and never had one Nuke a tank. What exactly happand to your tank? I just had one die last week and I didnt even do a water change for a few days and everything seems fine. Bad luck maybe? Either way I am sorry for your loss, especially for your GDM.
Thanks for the link Linda.
In this case I don't think anything got in the water because it has a lit on it,now as to what caused the nem to get in the PH is another story?!?
It had little white dots all over it kinda like Ich,but I don't know if this was from the death or not?
Can nems get Ich?Nothing else has any signs of it what so ever.
Linda Lee;274353 wrote: May not be a good idea to have an eel in a nano (">Bob Fenner says nothing smaller than a 40g</a>, even for the smallest of morays), since they are extremely sensitive to water quality and oxygen deprivation. They have small, restricted, uncovered gil openings and actually have to open their mouths to breathe. This is probably why your eel didn't pull through.

We learned the hard way with our first GDM. Even though it was the lone occupant of a 54g tank, it died from oxygen deprivation due to one of those plug-in air fresheners that scents the air by heating oil. The eel was fine when we went to bed one night and dead the next morning, after the plug-in, which was installed about 10 feet from the tank the night before, left a very thin film of oil on the water surface.

So sorry about your loss. I love these little guys and know I'd be heartbroken if I lost mine.

sorry about your loss.. but on a lighter note, why were you up at 5.00am? Yuck