HELP!!!! New MH fixture not working....


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My Metal Halide fixture (Single DE 250 watt) was working fine yesterday, but wont turn on today. Actinics/fans/moonlights work find. I turn on the MH and all I get is a tiny little pinpoint of light coming from what looks to be a wire in the bulb. This fixture is only about 2 months old.

I do know that yesterday I ended up working an incredibly long time, and no one was home to shut the light off, as its not on a timer. It ran for about 17 hours straight. (the fan was on, so no excessive heat). Could that have something to do with it?

Is this likely the bulb? Could it be the ballast?


My opinion it sounds like the ballast not supplying enough power but i don't know for sure but if bulb is lighting a little i beleave that it is the ballast or possibly a loosse connection at one of the pins what kinda ballast do u have?
Dont laugh, its Odyssea brand. I bought the light new on Ebay, the auction just said "generic brand". When it came in the mail, it had Odyssea bulb, so I'm guessing its an Odyssea ballast.
I got the same kind i think and i ended up switching out all bulbs for xm's and had to rewire the pc's and also had to re sodder some spots for the pc's ballast as i found a cold weld and some times one of the lights would work and others it would not if u would like u could probably drop it off at my work one day (i work on frontage road) and i could tear the light apart and make sure yours is not the same way as mine (You pay kia prices don't expect corvette quality is what i have learned) but after a little rewiring i have had no more problems.

Not laughing but as Chris said, they do have some quality control issues. If it were me, I'd first switch out the bulb and then start looking for a replacement ballast. There have been issues with the new "electronic" ballasts they are using now. Not anything to worry about but that they don't really supply 250w to the bulbs so you aren't getting the PAR that you should be getting.
Saw Jeep (Chris) yesterday, he has the same exact light as mine, and has had issues of his own that he has fixed. He's going to look at my light later in the week.....

My PC's lasted over a year and a half before the ballast went, now I'm having what seems to be ballast related issues with the MH. Could this be because of my electrical service or wiring somehow? Or is it more likely my tendencey to buy Odyssea brand lighting?
Dakota9;75842 wrote: Saw Jeep (Chris) yesterday, he has the same exact light as mine, and has had issues of his own that he has fixed. He's going to look at my light later in the week.....

My PC's lasted over a year and a half before the ballast went, now I'm having what seems to be ballast related issues with the MH. Could this be because of my electrical service or wiring somehow? Or is it more likely my tendencey to buy Odyssea brand lighting?

Dakota, Loren has some retro-fit MH's that so far he's done nothing with. I wonder if you could rig one or both of those up over your tank as a temporary fix until you get yours working?

If anyone has a suggestion on how this can be done, maybe they can advise? Seems you could just attach one of these to a 2x4 or something and hang it?

Or, we have some MH pendants we got from Mark and you're welcome to one or both of those on loan (if I can ever figure out how to turn them on).

If a loaner would work out, you could keep it as long as you need it and Loren can bring it by first thing in the a.m. when he... ummm... drops something else off in your mailbox at the crack of dawn......

I'll certainly take you up on your offer..... I'm not sure how long a clam Crocea Clam can go without light...... Thank you.
You're not alone in having issues with Oddyssea ballasts. I know 2 other people that have had them simply die on them. Anyways, I have a spare 250w ballast if yah need to borrow it.
Do all ballast have basically the same connection? My coneection from the ballast to the light is a 3 prong, with the center prong being only slightly higher than the two lower ones. I would LOVE to borrow a 250w ballast, just to see if its the ballast thats giving me problems. I *think* if the bulb is lighting up even a little bit, then its probably not the bulb, but the ballast.

I might take you up on that offer Jin, but alas I have no wheels. Actually I have 2 cars but no keys, so maybe tomorrow after my son gets out of Fencing, I can drive to pick up the said ballast. I just hope the connections fit
Sure no worries. Anytime is fine. Just give me a call before you head on over.