Help!!! New NEM acting wierd???


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OKay here it goes

got a great looking bubble tip from Matt at creation a week ago saturday. It has looked great up until today. I get home from work and it has completly moved behind a rock and the back glass where no one can see it.

Earlier in the week and even last night it was huge and blown up and beautiful. Is this normal????

I checked ph kh trate trite phate calcium and salinity and all and everything looks great. The only change i noticed in the tank is that there is a little more hair alge closer to him than yesterday???? Any clues i would hate for something to happen????!!!!

The only changes i have made were adding a mushroom and a cup coral nothing else

any help would be great thanks everyone:)
If all rthe parameters are good, then there shouldn't be hair algae...

Sometimes anemones do this, if its short term, then no harm
Just watch it. Don't go fliping the rock over trying to get it light. It will move if it can, and needs to. Really nothing you can do for nems if they start going down hill.
pretty sure the hair algae came from some live rock in my buddys tank I didn't scrub it
Ooopseven still would the algae make a difference and how short is temporary like tomorrow ?
That sounds pretty normal for an anemone, they never stay where you like them... :) Seriously, not much you can do to control where the take up residence, just pray they find a good place before getting sucked into a power head or overflow...