Help - New Tank Migration - Fish Dead Coral Dying


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I don’t what’s happening. We move from a 10 gallon to a 60 with a ton of pre-seeded media. We put in Turbo Start and dosed with Seed. Params on PH are high (close to 9) but Nitrite, Nitrate, and Ammonia are low.

Everything has been struggle since we made the move a couple of days ago but today our cleaner shrimp, two clowns, and goby are dead this morning. Nem is MIA as well. Coral oddly look a little better but are hurting. Most of the Euphyllia have lost a good bit of their tentacles but haven’t fully ejected. Zoas are ok but only partial extended. Favias are white around the edges.

Was thinking distilled white vinegar to lower ph. Water change. What else should I look at?

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I think you should recheck your ammonia and nitrite.

I think your problem was adding turbo start which is ammonia source to start the cycling. You should have had enough bacteria within the media and your existing rocks and sand that may could have caused mini cycle but you added as if you had bunch of dead fishes by adding the ammonia source which was too much for your tank to handle. I would take out your fishes and your media with fresh salt water and hope they make it thru. You are aging ammonia spike in your tank which is killing everything it seems. Just maybe.

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I think you should recheck your ammonia and nitrite.

I think your problem was adding turbo start which is ammonia source to start the cycling. You should have had enough bacteria within the media and your existing rocks and sand that may could have caused mini cycle but you added as if you had bunch of dead fishes by adding the ammonia source which was too much for your tank to handle. I would take out your fishes and your media with fresh salt water and hope they make it thru. You are aging ammonia spike in your tank which is killing everything it seems. Just maybe.

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Thank you. Rechecking everything

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I think you should recheck your ammonia and nitrite.

I think your problem was adding turbo start which is ammonia source to start the cycling. You should have had enough bacteria within the media and your existing rocks and sand that may could have caused mini cycle but you added as if you had bunch of dead fishes by adding the ammonia source which was too much for your tank to handle. I would take out your fishes and your media with fresh salt water and hope they make it thru. You are aging ammonia spike in your tank which is killing everything it seems. Just maybe.

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I agree that there must be an ammonia or nittrite spike but I thought turbo start by fritz was just concentrated nitrifying bacteria and not an ammonia source?
First and foremost before you do anything, test parameters. Not knowing what they are and trying to fix anything is like going into battle blind and deaf.
It is bacteria

My mistake. I wasn’t sure what the turbo start other than that it is used for cycling the tank. It may been bad batch of nitrifying bacteria perhaps. And that maybe why the ammonia and nitrite was not registering on the test kit? Hope to hear some updates!

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Turbo Start 900 is a concentrated bacteria product that requires refrigeration, must be ordered fresh and used right away. You should turn off skimmers and UV when adding. Did you follow their directions?

Turbo Start 900 is a concentrated bacteria product that requires refrigeration, must be ordered fresh and used right away. You should turn off skimmers and UV when adding. Did you follow their directions?

Exactly as recommend and directed.

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I would take a water sample to my LFS and have them check my water, to be sure.